Chapter 7

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Ralph, Felix, and Calhoun were walking throughout the game, when all of a sudden, a weird glitching noise occurred in the bushes. Felix jumped behind Calhoun as she brought out her gun. Then, a small man and large guy walked out of the bushes, "Don't fire!!!" The small man yelled. The larger man glitched in red, "Please, p-p-please!!! We're glitches!!" Calhoun dropped her gun as Ralph punched her slightly in the arm, "Told ya!" The little man hopped up with his bronze hammer, "I'm Fix it Marco-" Ralph interrupted being impatient, "Yeah yeah, we saw your screwed up codes. You're Marco, and you're Randy..." Randy pointed to himself, "That's Wreck it Randy thank you!" Felix smiled, "Nice to meet ya!" He extended his hand, but Marco crossed his arms in disgust, "We should I shake your hand Felix?!" Felix backed up a little and bumped into Calhoun. She snapped out of it, "What's wrong?" Marco stomped, "Do you know what's it like being ignored, hated, and living in the garbage alone?!" Randy hit Marco, "Hey!" Marco glitched in blue and teal, "Sorry, but yeah...Felix! Wonder who I am?! A stupid player 2 version of you! But, the gamers didn't like me so Litwak tried to delete my code, and he tells everyone that player 2 versions do't work!" Felix laughed as he hit his knees, "Oh, yeah, like that'd happen to an important character like you!!!" "While you get rewarded with pies, and medals, I get zip! I sit here in the dump watching you get all the praise. No one ever liked me so I stayed away!" Ralph stepped up, "If I wouldn't known about you, I'd-" Marco sat down in anger, "Can it fatso!" Ralph growled, "Hey!!! The same happened to me for 30 years straight! I actually got off my sorry butt and did something!" Marco sniffed, "Outside your game...I can't leave...cause I'm a glitch." Marco glitched. Randy put a reassuring hand on Marco's shoulder, "Listen up, we met them, now let's go." Ralph rubbed his chin, "Maybe we can help you!" Felix sweated, "Um, Ralph, there's a real good reason Litwak-" Calhoun snapped, "Can it! Don't be jealous, give the two an opportunity!" Randy looked at Ralph, "You actually think there's a way to keep us from being a glitch?" Ralph laughed, "There has to be!" Felix huffed, "Let' leave, Ralph!" Marco stepped up to Felix. Calhoun and Ralph were talking to Randy. "Listen up, we're not being glitches anymore! And when I get the chance, you're gonna be code's history...bye bye loser!!!" He shoved Felix, "Oh, you bet I'm number one! I've waited too long for this day!!!" Felix fell down and Marco laughed, "Game over Felix!" Felix got up and ran over to Ralph screaming, "Don't let them do this!!!" Randy chuckled, "You wanna trade spots for the day?" Calhoun nudged him playfully, "You're crazy." Felix became red. Ralph said, "I kinda like you two. How come I haven't met you two in the garbage?" Randy glitched in fear and looked at Marco, "I-I travel throughout the game..." Marco smiled, "Come on, brother!" Felix sat down....this wasn't gonna be good, and no one was even going to listen to him. When they got to the exit, Randy and Marco were pushed back by a blue force field. Randy touched it again, "I forgot-" Ralph smiled, "We'll be back in a little bit' help yourself-" Felix hollered, "Don't go inside that penthouse!" Calhoun turned around shocked to see Felix be so rude to the two innocent glitches. Ralph and Randy were soon going to eventually become real good friends, but Felix was not gonna listen to the excuses. They headed off to Game Central Station again. They walked into Sugar Rush to be stopped by an eager glitch...Vanellope.

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