Chapter 15

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Vanellope glitched, "I'm gonna challenge that green-haired booger to a race. And I'm gonna win! We can make that race a distraction to rid of those guys!" Marco sighed, "Have you seen her race?" Vanellope grinned, "Uh, no. But I know that there are two Fix-it Stinkeybrain Jr.'s now!" She jazzed hand. Ralph frowned, "Don't hurt yourself." Vanellope laughed, "I'll be fine!" Marco asked, "Shouldn't Felix and Calhoun be here by now?" Vanellope randomly asked, "Why do you glitch whenever you touch me? And not in the weird way, either." Marco shrugged, "I don't know..." Ralph motioned for the two to follow, "Let's get outta here." That's when Sakura and Randy stood still with arms crossed. Randy said, "Where we're you? Why'd you leave me, BROTHER?" Marco glared, "You're not my brother." Sakura giggled, "Oh silly! We were gonna see if you wanna come with us to Tappers'!" She leaned back and forth all cute-like. Randy rolled his eyes, "Yeah, tapping Tappers'." Sakura elbowed him, but he wasn't hurt. Vanellope glitched, "Maybe another time, say, I challenge you to a race!" Sakura raised an eyebrow, this was never expected, "Seriously?" Her voiced sounded odd, but she coughed and sounded normal again, "I would love to! Firt off, shall we have a little wager?" Vanellope thought about it, "Sure, what?" Sakura glitched but no one seemed to notice. Randy glitched and Ralph noticed, "You okay Randy my man?" Randy sweated, "Yeah, sure." Sakura quickly added, "If you win, I will..." Marco yelled, "I already told them liers!" Randy stomped, "What!?" Sakura sounded evil again, "Hmm, traitor. Eh, about time I stop acting like a fool around you Princess. Now where was I? Oh yes, if you win I will never bother you again." She secretly crossed her fingers, "If I win, you are banned from sugar Rush forever, and I become princess!" Ralph yelled, "Wait a sec-" "Deal." Vanellope declared. Ralph poured, "Kid..." Vanellope and Sakura trailed towards their karts. They rolled up towards the track and roared their engines. Sakura snickered, "Don't take the lose badly, glitch." Vanellope glitched, "Should I say that for you, Minty Sock Odor." The lights suddenly beamed red and Vanellope had a late start. Sakura laughed and zoomed farther away. Vanellope glitched and bumped into the back of an eager Sakura. However, she knew of a great short cut. They cut into the cola mountain. Vanellope started to glitch violently. By then, Randy and Ralph made their way into the cave. Marco was told to go back to the Game Station to guard off any intruders. That's when Ralph saw Felix and Calhoun holding guns. Calhoun yelled, "Ralph! Cy-bugs!" He turned and saw several cy-bugs flying towards them, "Ahh!" Randy popped in front of Vanellope. Vanellope glitched and crashed into a caramel piece. She and a coughing Sakura got up. Randy laughed, "As, let the fun begin!" He attacked Ralph when Sakura ran out of a young cy-bug's way.

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