Chapter 12

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At Game Central Station, Calhoun was walking towards Hero's Duty, when a strange man rudely bumped in to her. She turned around and yelled, "Don't you people have any-" She stopped and observed the man closer. The man quickly said, "I-I'm sorry, I just-" Calhoun's eyes grew wide, "I know you, aren't you from that game..." She paused a second to see the poor man's terrified expression...She heard one of the members yell, "Arcade opens up in two minutes!" The man tried to run away, when Calhoun grabbed his arm and grinned, "Your secret's safe with me!" He laughed, "There's nothing to hide from me!" He started to sweat. Calhoun grabbed the hood and yanked it off of his head to reveal one of the Turbo Twins. He panicked and threw the hood on glaring at Calhoun, "Don't you have any respect for personal space?" Markowski quickly joined her side. Calhoun sighed, "Too bad Felix wasn't here, I'd bet he'd be glad to meet you-" The Twin completely forgot about trying to hide is secret and smiled, "Did you say, Felix? He used to be a good pal of mine!" He pointed to himself and glitched as he covered his mouth. Calhoun was still a little new to the arcade, so the fact of knowing that some of Turbo Time's racers survived didn't make her squeal in excitement, more likely that would happen to most older members...she rolled her eyes and headed for her game, "Okay then." He ran up to her, "Wait wait wait!!! I need your help!" Markowski shrugged and headed off to Hero's Duty. He screamed when he saw a cockroach crawl up his arm and ran into the wall. He shook his head and scrambled inside the game. "I do have a game to go to, since you did rudely run into me, I have no sense into talking to you..." She fake frowned and strutted off to Hero's Duty examining her gun. To her surprise, the Twin crossed his arms and stomped away. Meanwhile, Vanellope, Ralph, and Felix were in the castle. Sour Bill sighed as he walked up to Vanellope, "Mm, Vanellope, aren't you on the board today?" She snickered, "Not this time frowny face." She glitched as the four went inside the code room. Ralph hesitated, "Do you know the code?" Vanellope bit her finger, "Uh, no..." She looked at her feet. Felix was finally being his normal sweet self, "Hmm, didn't Tammy mentioned something' about a certain code for these?" Ralph mumbled, "I didn't pay much attention to be honest...wait, how'd you-" "I can still hear things inside where them codes are at." He snickered. Felix snapped his fingers, "That's it! Since the game doesn't need to be reset, all we have to do is have you race! Like last time, it's turn you back to normal!" Ralph was tired of all the repetition this day, "Well, that's fine and dandy, the only issue is that the game will reset again, even if it doesn't need to, right?" Vanellope smiled, "It's true, but what damage would it cause?" Ralph yelled, "What about that Sakura friend of yours?" Vanellope gasped, "OH NO!!!" She glitched everywhere pounding on the exit, "I have to help her, she's still NEW!!!" Ralph grabbed her hood and picked her up, "Calm down!" Sour Bill opened the door, "For you-" She glitched out of Ralph's reach and zoomed away. Felix jumped beside Ralph, "Vanellope!" By that time, Sakura was in her stance as the gamers could choose her as the official new racer. Vanellope whispered, "Minty!" Sakura looked at Vanellope, "Van? What are you doing here?" Taffyta muttered, "Shh! The arcade's opening!" Vanellope rolled her eyes, "Can you do it?" Sakura giggled, "Of course!" After Mr. Litwak proudly unlocked the arcade saying, "Come on in!" The Moppet Girl hopped towards Sugar Rush. Her heart immediately sank when Vanellope wasn't there.

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