Chapter 11

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Just an fyi, if there is any characters that aren't on the cast list, and they speak in these future chapters, most likely they don't have planned actors/actresses for them. If any questions about that, you're more than welcome to back to the story!

Randy smiled so bright, possibly the sun couldn't beat it, "I have an idea!" Ralph looked up, "What do you mean, idea?" "I mean, while you stay here and watch your little friend, Mr. Marco and I can take your places!" Felix fake laughed, "You actually think that you can just take our places for the day? Don't you know what that means-" Calhoun snapped, "Listen up, I'm not liking your attitude lately, now let the guy finish his idea for crying out loud!" Felix shut up real quick, but mumbled something under his breath as he crossed his arms. Randy chuckled, "No need to worry ma'am, now I can be Ralph, I'm just hoping the gamers will just think it's a color problem, and there will be nothing to worry about!" Marco nodded evilly, "Yeah, since player 2...doesn't WORK..." he glared at Felix, "I can be Felix for the day, ya know, to let me experience the good guy life! Since, ya know? I haven't been played in..." he counted his fingers playfully, "About 30 years, give or take." Vanellope hopped up, "Ralph, please stay!" Ralph sighed and patted her head, "I don't know about this, kid, but I might just-" "Say no?" Felix interrupted. Vanellope stuck her tongue out, "C'mon Felix, why bein' a so sour lately? I thought you were some sweet, never-be-mean-to-anyone-unless-it's-someone-hurting-your-friends-and-even-then-your-heart-can't-take-being-so-rude-before, type o guy." Felix sighed and walked up to her, "If only anyone understood...they are using you guys...I swear!" Randy rolled his eyes, "Oh in the name of code, why would we do such a thing?" Calhoun looked at her watch, "C'mon, let's get a move on! Are you staying or what?!" Ralph looked at a worried Vanellope, "I'll stay...Randy, are you sure you're plan's gonna work?" Randy nodded, "I got it under control, Ralphie!" Marco hopped high, "Woo-hoo!" Felix face palmed, "I guess I'll stay, but just-" Marco interrupted, "You won't regret it shorty!" He patted Felix's head meanly as he snickered evilly. The two quickly ran off, as Calhoun did the same, leaving Ralph, Vanellope, and Felix behind. Felix sat down, "I tried-" Vanellope walked up to him, "I don't like him, either." Ralph was confused, "Huh?" Felix looked at the young glitch, "Wait, what?" "Marco...he seems, fake...Randy does too. Where in the name of game did ya find such bragging brats at, anyway?" Felix shrugged, "At our game, they appeared out of nowhere, right after Ralph found their codes...they were, glitches. Marco talked about how he was gonna take my place, and now..." Vanellope huffed, "He's takin' your thunder." "Yup, and the weird part, is that they magically became normal again, glitch free! I'm sure you guys haven't noticed, but I caught Randy glitching in red a lot...not blue, as normal glitches-" Vanellope put her hands on her hips, "Normal?! You sayin' I'm like everyone else?!" Ralph walked up to the two, "You're lying! Vanellope, didn't Marco-" Vanellope put a hand out, "Ralph! After I hugged Marco, I glitched, every time he...touches..." she shivered in disgust, "Me...I glitch, well, we both do at least. And, I saw Marco bragging and being rude to you, hey, I didn't just come up with that comment about you being rude lately to hurt you...I did it to get Marco to stop being mean to you. I thought, that would make him think we're turning against you, and he can stop pushing you around...obviously, it didn't work..." Ralph looked at her in concern, "Are you saying that you want to trick him, so we can figure out what's so fishy about them?" Vanellope snickered, "You're so smart!" Felix smiled, "At least Vannie understands me here!" Vanellope smiled instead, "Listen up, this happened to me for 15 years straight! You think I don't know this stuff already?" Ralph shrugged, "I agree, fine, I'll help, but it's not Randy I'm concerned about...nor's you Felix." Vanellope shot a dirty look at Ralph, "Are you with us or NOT! If not, might as well go home!" She crossed her arms and turned away. Ralph was still on Randy and Marco's side, along with Calhoun. Ralph huffed, "Fine, I'll help you two, but when you're wrong, you two owe be BIG time!" Vanellope nodded as Ralph finished. Felix stood up, "First, let's see what's up with her code." Vanellope glitched, "Oh yeah..."

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