Chapter X: Where to Next? (Unedited)

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Chapter X: Where to Next?

"Are you ready to try and contact me again? This time I want you to be able to feel your own emotions, that's normally the easiest thing to feel."

I nodded my head and closed my eyes, putting my trust in Istal to follow the right path. I once again focused on the string connected Brom and me. I felt my mind enter strange conscious where everything seemed dimmer, weird, and unfamiliar.

I felt back to my emotions, what was I feeling? A sense of happiness came over me, and understanding along with the sweet sense of accomplishment. I can feel my emotions, I said.

So can I, Brom replied, get them out of my mind.

I focused on dimming my senses and containing them to one thought. Is this working?

Yes, however, there is a tiny sense of them there when you speak but that will go away the more you work on this. Try to focus on Istal's movements, start feeling your own body, and try to open your eyes.

I focused on Brom's mind yet retreated to my own mind. It felt like I had left some part of me behind. It felt wrong yet right. In my own body, I could feel myself swaying to Istal's gentle canter. I opened my eyes, I can see. I said to Brom, as I turned my head to gaze at him.

Brom looked at me with a measured scan, very good. Now can you feel your own thoughts as I speak along with your emotions and senses?

I nodded my head before realising I was meant to reply mentally. Yes.

All right, do you have any pain in your head?

I have a slight feeling of pain, but not enough to stop me.

Good. I want you to try, and lift your hand while speaking to me. Maybe tell me a bit about Istal.

Istal is a young horse, I said as I shifted my weight in the saddle, this is also really hard. How does Eragon do this when speaking to Eragon?

It's natural he's a Dragon Rider.

I wish I was a Dragon Rider at times, I muttered, anyway so Istal was born on a horse farm that I lived on with my parents. I said as I gazed at Istal's neck. He was always going to be my horse ever since I was little. I used to play with him as a foal, and try to teach him tricks. I managed to get him to follow me at one point without a head collar. We've gotten further now, he can come when I whistle. I told Brom, not really noticing the odd feeling in my mind as I stroked Istal's neck.

About time, you figured out how to do it, now I want you to do it while paying attention to what you're speaking. What tricks did you teach Istal?

I taught him how to rear, bow, stuff like that. I said as I leant back and stretched.

"Well you've got the basics covered," Brom said gruffly, "You can't really speak to anyone but me right now though. You aren't aware of anything you aren't talking to either, but we can work on that later. The more you use your mental power the more prowess and control you'll have. You'll also be able to cover more distance the further away your target is and how you practise that."

Can I speak to Istal? I questioned.

You weren't thrown when I spoke aloud. Brom thought to me, or himself, I wasn't too sure. Yes, you may speak to Istal. If you start getting a bad headache, stop and have a breather. It's almost midday anyway.

I nodded and withdrew from Brom's mind. I reached out for Istal, imaging the horse's mind connected to mine. The moment I felt Istal's conscious it felt similar. Istal felt my mind brush against his and tossed his head.

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