Chapter XXIV: The Ra'zac

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Chapter XXIV: The Ra'zac

When I returned to the inn, I had sore fingers from stiff buckles and sore toes from horses standing on my feet. Although, I had learnt quite a bit from what other people had to say. "Did you find anything?"

I looked around, "I'll wait until Brom gets here," I said. Roughly ten minutes later, Brom came back, slumped with fatigue.

"Did you two find anything?" Eragon asked.

Brom brushed back his white hair. "I heard that Galbatorix will visit Dras-Leona within the week," I began.

"What?" Eragon exclaimed.

Brom slouched against the wall, the lines on his forehead deepening. "I heard the same thing. It seems that Tábor has taken a few too many liberties with his power, so Galbatorix has decided to come teach him a lesson in humility. It's the first time the king has left Urû'baen in over ten years," Brom said.

"Do you think he knows of us?" Eragon questioned.

"Of course he knows of us, but I'm sure he hasn't been told our location. If he had, we would already be in the Ra'zac's grasp. However, this means that whatever we're going to do about the Ra'zac must be accomplished before Galbatorix arrives. We don't want to be anywhere within twenty kilometres of him. The one thing in our favour is that the Ra'zac are sure to be here, preparing for his visit."

"I want to get the Ra'zac," Eragon said, "but not if it means fighting the king. He would probably tear me to pieces."

Something about what Eragon said seemed to amuse Brom as he smiled. "Very good: caution. Moreover, you're right; you wouldn't stand a chance against Galbatorix. Now tell me what you two learned today. It might confirm what I heard."

"It was mostly drivel, but I did talk with a man who knew where the oil was taken. It's just an old warehouse. Other than that, I didn't discover anything useful."

"I learnt that the Seithr oil is always sent to the palace. They also tend to use the horses from the stables in the middle of the city instead of near the warehouses to do so as well," I added.

"That's what I heard as well. I managed to get into the palace by getting invited into the servants' quarters as a bard. I wandered around for a while, amusing people with songs and poems – asking questions all the while." Brom slowly filled his pipe with tobacco. "It's really amazing all the things servants find out. Did you know that one of the earls has three mistresses, and they all live in the same of the palace?" He shook his head and lit the pipe. "Aside from the fascinating tidbits, I was told, quite by accident, where the oil is taken from the palace."

"And that is...? Eragon asked impatiently.

Brom puffed on his pipe and blew a smoke ring. "Out of the city, of course. Every full moon two slaves are sent to the base of Helgrind with a month's worth of provisions. Whenever the Seithr oil arrives in Dras-Leona, they send it along with the provisions. The slaves aren't ever seen again. And the one time someone followed them, he disappeared too."

"I thought Riders demolished the slave trade," I said aloud.

"Unfortunately, it has flourished under the king's reign," Brom said.

"So the Ra'zac are in Helgrind," Eragon said.

"There or nearby," I said.

"If they are in Helgrind, they'll be either at the bottom – and protected by a thick stone door – or higher up where only their flying mounts, or Saphira, can reach. Top or bottom, their shelter will no doubt be disguised." Eragon paused for a moment. "If Saphira and I go flying around Helgrind, the Ra'zac are sure to see us – not to mention all of Dras-Leona."

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