Chapter XIV: Reading Words

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Chapter XIV: Reading Words

Unlike the Green Chestnut, this tavern was loud, clean, and full of boisterous people. When the main course arrived, we all eagerly dug in, the meat was succulent, and the vegetables and fruits that accompanied it were sweet and delicious. It had been a long time since I had eaten much more than wild game. We lingered over the meal for hours as Brom and Jeod swapped stories. I didn't mind, I was warm and sleepy. A lively tune jangled in the background, and there was more than enough food. I was more comfortable then I had been for a while.

When we finally excited the tavern, the sun was nearing the horizon. "You to go ahead; I have to check on something." Eragon said.

"Be careful. Don't take too long or get in trouble. In fact, Umaroth can go with you. I'm sure he'll enjoy being outside the city for a while."

Eragon nodded and turned just as Jeod called out, "Wait." Eragon paused and I looked at Jeod impatiently, "Are you going outside Teirm?" Eragon hesitated, and then reluctantly nodded. "Make sure you're inside the walls before dark. The gates close then, and the guards won't let you back in until morning."

"I'll make sure he's not late," I said with a teasing grin.

"I won't be late," Eragon promised over the top of my voice. I shoved him half-heartedly before we both turned around and headed down a side street, toward Teirm's outer wall. Once outside the city Eragon took a deep breath and waited a few minutes before he led me off the road, to the base of a mossy cliff surrounded by maples.

Eragon waved up, and I looked up to see Saphira's blue head gazing down at us. "Do you mind climbing up?" Eragon said as he looked at the cliff, a grin came over me.

"Nope, in fact, I reckon I can beat you up there!" I called out, as I tried to find a path up. Eragon laughed and didn't say anything as he started clambering up. I shook my head as I noticed that he had chosen one of the hardest paths to climb. "You'll get stuck!" I shouted, as I started climbing.

"You wish! You're just jealous I'm going to beat you!" Eragon called down without stopping. I shook my head and reached the next handhold. The ascent was easy as there were plenty of handholds. Soon I was high above the trees. I stopped at a ledge a bit below halfway, Eragon was a few metres left of me and was resting on a higher ledge. After regaining my breath, I started climbing up again. I soon caught up to Eragon who was currently trying to reach the next handhold.

"Stuck?" I questioned as I looked at him, Eragon glared at me. Before giving up with a sigh and looked up.

I looked up as well, to see Saphira staring down with unblinking eyes. A minuet or so of silence, Saphira pulled her head back from the edge of the cliff. "Saphira?" Eragon called out, I guessed he had asked his dragon for help and immediately started trying to get to the top once more. "Saphira! Come back!" Eragon roared.

There was a loud crash as Saphira barrelled off the top of the cliff, flipping around in mid-air. The wind buffeted me as Saphira flew past. I pulled myself close to the cliff and held on tight. When Saphira breezed past once more, I started climbing again.

I got onto the top with a bit of pulling from Eragon, I lay on the ground staring up at the sky, panting. "I should never have agreed to do that," I said with a groan. I looked at my hands, which were sore and red.

"Hey Umaroth," Eragon called out, I pushed myself into a sitting position and looked at him. He had a cheeky grin as he continued speaking. "I still won," I grabbed a leaf from next to me and threw it Eragon. It never reached him. However, it made Eragon and me laugh. "You fail," Eragon commented. I crawled over to him; I couldn't be bothered standing and walking the small distance.

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