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Zayn stared at me in bewilderment and held his jaw, "Smalls! What the fu--"

"How about you shut up for once! I am sick and tired of your bullying and harassment! Enough is enough and enough was a long time ago. What I just did to you is what I feel ten times more a day, twice as hard." I said to him.

"Listen Smalls--"

"No, you listen Zayn. You have absolutely no reason to beat me up since, first of all, I was the one who actually stood up for you when you were bullied of in fifth grade but I'm still your main target. Do you understand why I'm so confused?!" I asked him. He was staring at me.

"Oh? No words from Zayn Malik? How shocking! You don't know how much I've been through and how strong I've had to be! What if I self harmed? What if I was starving myself? What if I committed suicide? How great would you feel? Being the reason that someone ended their life. If I ever even thought about that, you'd be first on the list of why." I thought back to freshman year and shook my head of the thought. Then I thought of detention when I was purposely cutting myself.

"Lets go through a list, shall we? You've sprained my wrist. You've sprained my ankle. You fractured a bone in my hand. You gave me a concussion. You caused me a load of bleeding. You dislocated my elbow. You did much more!" I just wanted to break something. I looked around and saw a vase in the corner. I picked it up and smashed it on the floor, making Zayn jump.

"You're crazy." He muttered under his breath.

"I'm crazy? I'm crazy?! I'm not crazy, I'm just sick of all of this!" I took a deep breath and ran a hand through my hair. "I could've easily had you arrested for this. Seven years, Zayn. Seven freaking years of all of this! I'm done! I tired of it and I'm done! I don't care if it takes transferring out of Art if it means never seeing you again. Heck, I'll even move back to Canada!" I screamed. I was born in Canada but moved to England at a young age and I wasn't afraid of moving back and starting over again.


"I honestly don't want to hear it! Just get out of my house before I get the police involved!" I pointed at the stairs. He slowly got up to his feet and grabbed all of his stuff.

"Can't I just say--"

"Shut up." I pointed to the stairs again. He nodded and walked up the stairs.

I stood there for a good two minutes after I heard the front door shut. I looked down at the mess I made and cleaned it up quickly before going upstairs. I took the house phone since Perrie had mine and called Liam's phone number.

"Liam?" I asked when the ringing stopped.

"Nick?" He mocked me.

"Shut up." I laughed, "Whats up?"

"I was just cleaning my room. How was detention? Did you get hurt?" He questioned. I sighed loudly.

"Yes. Harry punched me, kicked me, and then choked me. It's all good, though. Can you come over? Or me go there? I need to talk to you." I stated. I needed to tell him about the cutting thing and Zayn.

"Yeah, you can come over here and help me clean my room."

I grimaced, "Ew, Liam. Gross." I chuckled. He had a nasty room. "Okay, I'll be there in a few. Love you." I said.

"Love you too."

We hung up and I put my shoes on. I left a sleeping Buzz in his room with a full bowl and drove to Liam's house. I knocked on the door and Liam opened up, "Hello." He opened it wider for me to enter. He was smiling big and that made me smile even more.

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