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"I really want to go back to school." I said, almost shocked that those words came out of my own mouth. "I've been at home for, what, three weeks now? It's almost prom and I'm about to graduate, I need to catch up on my work. I want to leave school intelligent."

"What's that supposed to mean?" my mom asked, helping me elevate my leg on a pillow. She also fluffed the pillow that was underneath my broken arm.

"It means that I don't want to miss the last two months of school and come out an idiot. I want to do those finals and pass them." I said to her. "I can do some things on my own, you know. I'm not paralyzed, I can still move. I can write now...sort of."

The coffee table was brought back closer to the couch, where I've basically been for nearly a month. Ever since the incident, I couldn't do anything by myself. "I don't want you moving. I just want you to heal."

The doorbell rang and my mom stood up to answer it. "Nuh, uh, uh. I'm answering the door." I said, standing up. At this point, all my scars hardly hurt anymore, so I was about to use one of my legs. The one that got stabbed was healed and the cuts on my arm don't hurt that badly. I was able to use my crutches without much of a problem, even though that arm was broken. Plus, my ribs are nearly healed. That took away half of my problems. I didn't need my wheelchair anymore.

I got to the door quickly and answered it to see Zayn holding flowers and chocolates. "Oh, babe, you're awake and answering doors at seven in the morning now." he leaned down to kiss me gently. I've only been getting these gentle kisses lately, no real action. He's also been buying me a lot of get well soon gifts because he felt so bad about everything. There were little teddy bears, flowers, candy, and cards everywhere in the house because Zayn comes every morning with something new. "Shouldn't you be resting?"

"A person can only sleep but so much." I sighed. The concussion that I had made me tired all the time but my head is better already. "Thank you." I smiled when he placed down the flowers and chocolates. Zayn helped me back to the couch where we sat down beside each other. My mom went to the kitchen as he spoke to me.

Zayn and I were doing good. Our relationship was still strong and I forgave everyone at this point. They were all so sweet and adorable; I couldn't stay mad at them. I'm happy with my life right now. My trust for him was increasing by the day and I was truly happy.

"How are you feeling?" he brought his thumb up to my face and softly slid it over the scar under my eye, one of the bigger ones. "This one's healing well. You look beautiful."

I shrugged. "I'm actually a lot better. I want to go to school. And thanks, babe."

Zayn stared at me for a moment before shaking his head. "I don't think that's a good idea. You could get hurt there easily, so much could happen to you, and I wouldn't be able to keep an eye on you." he told me.

"Well, what do you do when you go to school and I'm here? There's no way for you to be keeping an eye on me at all times."

"I know you're safe because someone's always with you, whether it's Liam or your dad. At school, there's stairs, people, hallway traffic." he told me and I huffed out with a frown on my face. "I'm sorry. I'm just worried about what could happen."

"I have to go back eventually. I can't just be handed a worksheet and expect to know this stuff; it's hard and I need my teachers." I explained to him. "Keeping me on a couch everyday isn't doing anything. And Liam is not a great teacher." Zayn didn't say anything. "Don't you want to go to prom together?" he nodded. "Well then I need practice to move around first. Please take me to school tomorrow, baby."

Zayn took my hand and rubbed tiny circles in to it. "You really want to go to school?"

"More than anything right now." I answered. That was a lie; more than anything right now would probably be just a real kiss with tongue and everything from Zayn but I knew that it would hurt me.

Bully Love (Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now