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"Pants, skirt, dress?" I asked Buzz who was on the bed next to what I laid out. I made sure to wake up extra early to do this. "Yeah, you're right. I'll ask Zayn if he's going formal." I nodded, picking up my phone from my dressed.

"Hey, Nikki. What's up?"

"Hey, I was wondering if I should wear the pants, the skirt, or the dress?" I asked. "Are you going formal or what? This is important but I don't know if it's dress-worthy."

"Maybe not dress-worthy, but definitely skirt-worthy. Even some nice heels would look great, I know you have a lot."

I laughed a little. "Okay, thank you. See you in a bit."

"Bye," he hung up.

I picked up the burgundy skirt with the bow on the front of it. I pulled that on and then put on this really pretty white long sleeved crop top that had cutouts in the back. The shoes that I put on were beige pumps and I put in earrings. My makeup was already done and I did my hair earlier, which was just a very sophisticated ponytail. I grabbed my phone and purse before going to feed Buzz. I took an orange and waited outside on the steps. I know my legs are going to be freezing but it's worth it.

He pulled up and I got in the passenger seat. "Good morning." I smiled at him.

"Hey, Nikki."

"You feelin' okay?" I questioned. After yesterday, I've been really worried. He looked like he really was in pain. "Did you heal?"

"Somewhat. I can move most parts of my body." he laughed. "That fight was dumb. I shouldn't have done that, I know how Harry gets." I hope Harry is hurting as much as Zayn because, as terrible as it is, they're both finally feeling what I went through for years now.

--Ah, never mind, that's a horrible way of thinking. Forget that.

"He can get a little crazy." I mumbled while nodding.

After a few moments of silence as we drove to the school, Zayn finally asked, "We are having a date, right? Just to confirm?"

"Yeah, absolutely. Where to?"

"Well, what's the fun of telling you?" he smirked. "Dress casual, but not hobo."

"Got it." I nodded, smiling. I can't wait.

We pulled up to the school next to my abandoned car and exited. There were a few people here and I saw the Gallery van. I may or may not have squeaked. Before we entered, I looked up at Zayn and said, "Good luck."

"You too." he gave me a warm smile.

Everyone was gathered in the large art room and I saw a formal looking woman standing in front of all my art pieces. Zayn gave my hand a squeeze before going off. The woman was nodding at one that I made in junior year of a moonlight setting. "Hello." I approached her quietly, not wanting to make a bad impression. "I'm Nikki."

She looked over and shook my hand. "The artist of this one?" she questioned and I nodded. "Phenomenal piece. Nice to meet you. I'm Julie."

"Thank you and you too." I made sure to talk like I knew what I was talking about when she asked me questions. I used words like texture, material, strokes, brush, thickness, and words that sounded intelligent. She asked me what made me paint something like the junior year painting of a couple of cars on a bridge on a rainy day. One of them looked like it was about to swerve. "That, uh, is just a picture of a car about to crash into another car. It just explains drunk driving and why it's bad." I bit down on my lower lip.

"There has to be more to it. It's so detailed and incredible." Julie looked at me in the eyes.

"Well...I painted this when I was angry, like really angry - that's why the paint strokes are a little more harsh on this one - because my older brother was killed by a drunk driver." I told her quietly. I could see regret on her face, as if she shouldn't have said that.

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