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I walked into school a couple weeks later with my hair in a side braid, wearing a pair of jeans and a pretty blouse. "Nikki!" I heard someone call my name from behind me. I turned to see Sandy leaning on his locker with papers in his hand.

"Hey, what's up, Sandy?"

He motioned towards the stack of papers in his hands. "The band that I play guitar for is performing soon. We're trying to get people to see us, you know, get the band to be a little more known." He told me.

"Oh, cool." I read the flyer he handed to me. "I'll tell people about it, if that's what you wanted me to do."

"Thank you. Hope you can make it, love." Sandy smiled and I started to walk away.

I continued heading towards my locker when I saw Lou, showing someone her new tattoo. "Nice, Lou." I stated as I passed her. She sent a thank you my way and I walked by more people that I knew and talked to. I glanced up at Liam as I walked passed him, giving him and Danielle a light smile. I haven't spoke to him in a while.

I made it to my locker and started pulling my things out when I heard Zayn behind me. "Guess whose two month anniversary is coming up next week?" he wrapped his arms around me.

"I can't believe it's been almost two months with you. Time flies when you're having fun." I turned around to kiss him.

"I've had loads of fun with you, babe." he pressed his lips to my cheek before I closed my locker. "I think you'll love your present this time."

"I think you'll like your's too." I turned around with a smile and grabbed his hand. We had some time before I had to go to math so we sat down on the bench. "You're the best, Zayn. I know I say it all the time but I'm serious. I really want you to know."

"I can't be the best. Since you're alive, the best I could do is second best." he stated, putting an arm around my waist. My feelings for Zayn are only getting stronger and stronger, he's so amazing in many different ways. "So are you busy after school today?"

"No plans."

"Good. I heard that they finally put our paintings in the Gallery today. Would you like to come with me to check it out?" Zayn questioned. After they chose our paintings to be in the art gallery, they said that they'd be in there before May, which is in five days. I was wondering when I'd be able to see one of my own pieces up on that wall with my name on that little plaque underneath it and a small description of the painting. I squealed a bit on the inside.

"Really?!" I shouted, causing people to look over at me. "Really?" I whispered, laughing a little. "Of course I'll go with you! Road trip!"

* * *

School was hardly a bother. I was too excited to think about anything else so time went by pretty quickly. I was exiting the school building, dancing in my step happily, when I saw Liam walking out with Andy and Danielle. "Hey guys. Li, guess what? Guess."

"Oh hey, Nikki. What happened?" he stopped in his tracks. I stared at him until he guessed. "Uh...you grew an inch. You got a haircut. You bought a new blouse? Zayn gave you another hickey?"

"No. Well, that last one, yes but that's not what I'm excited for. My painting and Zayn's painting are being displayed in the Gallery of London right now! They finally put it up!" I squeaked, clapping my hands. I felt like a little kid on Christmas, ready to receive presents from Santa Clause.

"Oh, wow. Congratulations!" Liam hugged me. "Send me pics, babe. I'll have to see it some other time." he told me. "I'm so happy for you."

"Yeah, sure. And thank you." I nodded. Before anything else was said, Zayn called my name from the parking lot. We wanted to be able to get there and back before it was too late since we have school tomorrow. "Okay bye guys. See you all later." I waved starting to walk away.

"Oh, wait, Nikki." Liam pulled me back by my elbow. "Do you wanna hang out soon? Like tomorrow maybe?"

"Aw, Li, I can't. Zayn and I are hanging out tomorrow but we definitely need to soon. Bye." I waved.

I hopped into the passenger seat of Zayn's car with my things on the floor. "I'm trying to contain my excitement but I'm really happy right now." Zayn told me, taking my hand.

"Me too. This will be so fun, babe." I smiled. I began to do my homework as he drove to the Gallery of London, which was only around an hour, an hour and a half at most, drive. We would probably end up arriving there at around fourish - giving us plenty of time to look around at the other artist's work. Then we'd probably eat dinner here before we drive back. It would most likely be eight at that time. "I'll drive on the way back, Zayn."

"No, it's fine. I can drive both here and back." he stated. I felt bad since when he gets home he'll probably be all tired and he still has to do his homework.

When we arrived, it didn't take long for either of us to spot our paintings. They were right beside each other on a wall to the left of the entrance. "Oh my goodness, your painting is so great." I approached it. It was very abstract; it seemed to me like some sort of park and it was raining. It was dark in some places but colorful in others. "What's the story behind this one?"

"It was when my grandfather died. When he was buried, it started raining, it was dreary, but then there was a sunset. That explains all the pretty colors and everything and then the darkness." he explained. Aw.

I looked at my own painting and saw that they did take the one where Mike got into his car accident on that dumb Madison Bridge. Underneath my picture said: 'Nicolette Smalls' on a rectangular gold plaque, just like I remembered it. "I'm in such shock. I never thought that I would actually make it here." I said.

"Seeing your work, I could've guessed it." Zayn shrugged, lacing our fingers together. The two of us looked around at the other people's pieces, smiling at the different techniques and shapes. "These people are amazing." He stopped at one painting of a woman.

"Incredible." I nodded in agreement.

"So what do you want to eat for dinner tonight?" he questioned. I told him that I would eat whatever so he decided on pizza. "On me." he told me.

"No, you paid for gas." I said.

"I don't care."

"Stop being so sweet, butt face." I laughed as we exited.

"After you stop being so gosh darn fantastic, you knuckle head." Zayn leaned down and kissed my lips. "I really love you."

I looked up at him with surprise in my eyes. "What?"

He looked back down at me. "I said I really love juice." he told me, motioning down to the juice thing that he bought earlier. "You looked a little shocked, what did you think I said?" he chuckled.

I shook my head and laughed slightly. "Nothing, nothing." I swung our hands back and forth as we continued to walk.

Later on in the car after we ate our pizza, I drove. I convinced him to take a nap or something while I drove us back to our town. I can't believe I thought that he said he loved me earlier. It's still pretty early in our relationship but I have really strong feelings towards him. I don't know what true love feels like so I wouldn't say that I was in love with Zayn.

He's just so incredible. I like the way he treats me, how he puts me above other things a lot, how he wanted me to meet his family. How he kisses me and how he holds me when I'm sad. He always knows when something is wrong. I always want to be with him and if there's a disagreement, we always manage to work it out without getting loud with each other. My mind is always on Zayn, but when it isn't, it drifts back to him quickly. Is that love? I don't want to dive in too fast but I think I'm falling for him. Hard.

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hi(: hope you enjoyed!!!!

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