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Staying home is every teenager's dream when it comes to school. The only time that staying home isn't fun is when you're sitting on a cold bathroom floor with your head inside of a toilet bowl. Yesterday, after spending a few hours with Liam at a Japanese restaurant eating sushi, I began feeling very sick. After I got home and into bed, I woke up at like four in the morning. I threw up all over my bed and then I rushed to the toilet. I've been barfing constantly ever since.

It was six now and I was sitting on my couch with a large trash bin in front of me. I felt nauseous and tired.

"Why do you sound sick?" Zayn asked me over the phone after I said hello.

"I think I have the stomach flu." I told him. "Can you please do me a favor?" I asked him.

"Of course."

"I have something for my project in art that I was supposed to bring in. Also, I promised Liam a ride for school." I stated.

"Should I come over and get it?" he asked me. "Do you need anything else, babe?" He's so sweet.

"No, that's okay, and yes. Please come get it and bring it to art." I told him.

"I'll be there in a half hour or less." he said.

"Thank you so much, Zayn." I stated.

"Anything for you, Nikki. Is the stomach flu contagious?" he questioned.

I thought for a minute before saying, "Uh...I think so...why?"

"I guess kissing you would be out of the question then." he chuckled. "Okay, bye."

"Bye, Zayn."

I laid there, clutching my stomach with my eyes closed. This sucks, I've never had this before. How am I supposed to take care of myself now? I'm gonna have to call Karen later and ask her what to do. Soon, the doorbell rang and I forced myself up to my feet. It was like 6:30. I opened it up to see Zayn holding various containers and stuff. "Good morning, babe." I smiled.

"Awe, you look sick." I let him in and he put down all of his containers and everything. "I brought chicken noodle soup, Gatorade, bananas, crackers, medicine and more. My mom told me that this all helps with stomach problems." he stated. "And I brought some movies." He had Clueless, She's the Man, Footloose, Gossip Girl Seasons 1-6, and more. I wonder where he got all of these on such short notice.

"You're my favorite person ever right now." I smiled. I went to my backpack and got the large container of tooth picks for my Eiffel Tower project. "If you could just bring this to Monty, that'd be great."

"Yeah, sure. And then pick up Liam too, right?" he asked and I nodded.

"Thank you. You're the--" I cut myself off when my stomach began reversing the cycle, making it come back up. I lunged for the large garbage can and ducked my head in it. I coughed up whatever was left inside of me and I felt my hair being pulled back while my back was rubbed. I steadily breathed for a moment before sitting up again. "I was saying that you're the best. Thanks." I stood up and walked to the kitchen. I washed out my mouth.

"Are you okay here? Alone?"

"I'm perfectly fine."

"You didn't seem perfectly fine just a moment ago." he laughed. "I'll come here at lunch to check up on you, okay? And I'll probably be texting you."

"Okay. Thank you so much, again, Zayn." I sat back down on the couch as he walked away. I blew him a kiss instead since I'm all contagious and stuff. He pretended to catch it in his hand and put it on his mouth. I grinned as he waved and then he closed the door.

Bully Love (Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now