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You know that feeling when you're trying so hard not to cry and you try to swallow the feeling, but that only makes it worse? That's exactly how I feel right now. That's why I'm currently locking myself in a stall in the girls bathroom. I've been here since the middle of history and lunch is about to end, so it's been over an hour of me silently crying. I couldn't help myself; I just started thinking and then I got sad again. I didn't want to cry in front of all my peers, especially Eleanor, so I excused myself and just didn't go back.

'Lunch is over now and I think you should come out now. I can't comfort you over text. Please.' Liam texted me. I read it, but responding, I didn't do. "Nikki?" I heard, nearly making me fall off the closed toilet seat that I was sitting on.

"Liam?" I asked back in a hushed tone. "Are you...in the girls'--"

"No, I'm standing outside of it. Come out here, please." I sighed and decided that I'm only being a wimp by hiding myself. I stood up and opened the stall, looking at the door. He was standing there, all right, but his lip was all bloody and bruised. I almost dropped all my books and rushed to him.

"What - who did this to you?" I asked him, using my sleeve to wipe up the blood.

"It was Harry, but it's no big deal. Are you okay?"

"Are you okay? You're bleeding, you're going to the nurse." I grabbed his hand and started walking.

"Stop, stop, stop." He shook my hand off of him, "Just let me know if you're okay." We stared at each other for a moment before I felt myself begin crying again. Liam wrapped his arms around me and I only remember standing there. Soon, we had to go some where. "Here," he handed me a nurse pass. "I snuck one for you so you wouldn't get in trouble."

"Thanks, Li," I sniffled. When we entered, she took care of Liam first.

"And what's up with you?" Nurse asked me. I lied and said that my eyes have been itching like crazy and she gave me eye drops, telling me to try and not touch them again. "I'll see you two later and let me sign your pass."

"Bye." I waved. We split up and I gave him another hug before he had to go to Engish. "Thank you, Liam. I love you."

"I love you too, Nick, never forget it." He kissed the top of my head before I turned left and he turned right. Sometimes when I'm upset, all I need is a Liam and I should be semi fine. I made it to gym and handed him the pass. I changed and sat down as Coach spoke.

"Today, were going to be playing volleyball. Split the class in half." I was on a team with Zayn, Perrie, Niall, and just all the people that I never would've thought would be on my side. I was standing alone in the front when I heard Perrie scream that she wanted the ball to serve first. I rolled my eyes at that.

"Zero serving zero!" She shouted clearly. I waited to see the ball go over the net but instead, I could basically feel my skull cracking and my brain rattling inside my head. I let out an elderly noise and flew to the floor with a thump. It was like everything was in slow motion. The white ball bounced on the floor beside my body and I heard someone gasp.

I hardly had the energy to pick my head up and look at the person, then I saw the blonde curls. Perrie. "Is that a foul?" Zayn looked at coach angrily and he shrugged. "Really, was that necessary?" He asked Perrie, "Nikki, are you okay?"

I didn't reply for a moment before I stood to my feet and exited the gym. No words were said; I just left the room. All my clothes and stuff were still in the locker room but I honestly didn't care at all. I have no patience for this, not today. Today is not the day. I went to my locker and grabbed my car keys while rubbing the back of my head, "Hey," I didn't even turn to look at Zayn. I recognized his voice, "I'm sorry about her."

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