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"Fight, fight, fight, fight!"

I jumped up, looking over the bobbing heads of my peers to see who was fighting, although I had a pretty good idea. I pushed some boy to the side - apologizing afterwards - and saw Zayn punching Harry in the face. They both seemed equally bruised up but also equally agonized. "Zayn!" I had to stop them before they killed each other.

"Stay - out - of this!" He grunted. Harry shoved Zayn off of him and pushed him into a nearby locker. He immediately responded by punching him in the nose. I didn't want to have to step in but maybe I could convince him to stop.

"You guys!" I shouted. They completely ignored me as Harry pressed him up against the locker in a choke. "Harry--"

"Shut up!"

I guess I distracted him enough so that Zayn could kick him in the nuts. Harry winced and tackled him to the floor. They wrestled for a few moments before they were on their feet again. What even happened? I thought they were best friends?

**seven and a half hours before**

"Your car working again?" I questioned over the phone as I pulled up in front of Liam's house.

"Yeah, my dad and I fixed it last night. How are you doing?" Zayn asked me.

"I'm great, just a little tired. You?" Liam got in the car and I smiled at him. I mouthed that I'll be off in a minute. Zayn stated that he was fine and tired as well. "Uh, I have to go so I'll see you at school."

"Okay, I'll see you then. Bye."

"Bye." I hung up, leaning in my seat a bit so I could see the semi-icy road some more. "Hey, Li. What's up, homie?"

"Good morning, nothing, and do not call me that. Was that Zayn or Colten?" He scowled after saying their names.

Ever since I told him that Colten and I text a lot and sometimes talk in school, he thinks that I have a bad choice in friends. Besides himself, of course. "It was Zayn. Wipe that scowl off your face. Neither of them are that bad. You don't know either of them like I do."

"Eh. Anyways, would you want to sit with Danielle and I today at her table?" He asked and I gave him a blank stare before looking at the road again with no response. He knows that I basically like no one except for the three that were previously mentioned. "Okay. Then would you mind if she sat with us? I think it'd be a good idea if you and Danielle became friends so things won't be weird."

"Oh, I don't mind that." I told him.

We arrived at school and I passed Zayn and Harry who were talking, more like arguing, and then decided not to get into that. I stopped in front of my locker and got my first and second period things. Soon, I spotted Zayn walking towards me. "Hey, Z."

"Hi, Nikki. How ya doin'?"

"I'm doing great. Just trying to get through this Friday." I sighed. Weekends are always what I look forward to. Then again, doesn't everybody? "Um, Zayn. I thought about what you asked me on Wednesday."


"Liam told me that he thinks it's a bad idea." I stated and he looked a little disappointed and upset. "But I don't." And that seemed to perk him up again. "I just - I don't know about you. One of these days, you could just turn around and be like "ooh, I was lying like in freshman year, I never liked you" and stuff like that. I do not want that."

"I understand. That was really messed up, what I did in freshman year." Zayn nodded. "Well you just keep thinking about it and let me know another time. Right now, I need to speak with Louis. I'll see you later." He nearly turned away but then he stopped himself. "Wait, can I sit with you at lunch today? Just in case?"

Bully Love (Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now