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this book is gonna be over really soon :( I think like one more chapter after this one


"Nikki!" Monty shouted as I crutched myself into the classroom. She almost knocked me over but stopped herself when she realized I was still broken in some places. "Ooh, sorry! I'm just so happy!" Monty only had time to visit once since she lived quite a busy life with all her painting and teaching. "How are you feeling, girl?"

I couldn't help the massive smile forming on my face and the squeal escaping my lips. I missed Monty and I should've told her about what was going on; she would've helped me. "Monty!" I jumped up on my one leg. "I missed you! I'm feeling so much better, seeing all you people. I'm sorry." I apologized.

"Yeah, don't ever scare me like that ever again. Zayn and Liam stopped by one day and told me about what happened." I crutched myself to the stool in the front corner nearest to the door. I put a smock on over my clothes and sat down. "Are you good to draw and paint?"

"I can try but at home, I wasn't doing too well sketching." I sighed. I haven't been able to draw for such a long time and it's been tough. I literally did nothing all day for the past month and I was looking forward to picking up a paintbrush and seeing what I could do.

Zayn entered the room and a huge grin appeared on his face as he walked towards me. "Hey, Monty." he waved, taking a seat next to me. "Hi, babe. You know, for the last month, I would have to walk in here and have to face looking at Nick without punching him in the throat. I'm so glad you're back." I remember Zayn telling me Nick's reaction, finding out that I'm taken by him again. Nick was weird and annoying so I decided not to talk to him anymore.

My classmates respectfully asked me how I was doing and said they were sorry for everything they had done in the past four years of being in this class. I thanked them and held Zayn's hand gently since my hand was still hurting in some positions. "They're being so nice. Amazing what nearly dying can do for you." I rolled my eyes.

Zayn was painting a picture of a beautiful rose that looked similar to the ones that he buys me often. "That's really pretty." I told him as I gathered my supplies. Zayn helped me put the canvas on my easel.

"Thank you." he replied. "What are you thinking about painting?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. Probably something that doesn't require any intricate paint strokes because my wrist can't move like that yet. Abstract and watercolor, I guess." I stated, putting the different colors on my paint holder and holding a bowl of water.

I began painting without thinking, let the brush take control. I held the brush tightly, making as many details as possible with my injured arm. I dragged the thick brush across the canvas with the blue paint and used the smaller brushes to add the little details.

"Beautiful, babe." Zayn stated, putting a hand on my shoulder. I looked at my artwork; it was the face of a woman that head tears streaming down her face and there was another person, a boy, wiping away her tears, causing her to smile. Flowers surrounded the picture. "I love it." he pressed his lips to my cheek before going back to his painting.

I stopped and grinned, feeling the tingling sensation where his lips touched me. I looked at Zayn and giggled lightly. We've come such a long way within the nearly three months that we've been dating. "What?" he asked, glancing at me. I shook my head. "What?" he repeated, smiling at me.

"I was just thinking of us." I shrugged my shoulders slightly.

"What about us?" he turned slightly.

"Our story. I was just thinking about it; I love how things turned out." I stated. "I was remembering all of our memories and they made me happy."

"Refresh my memory." he told me.

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