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Zayn let out a deep sigh as he stared at his phone. I looked over at him as I scrolled through the prom dresses on the website I was looking at, "What's up?"

He clicked off his phone and glanced at me. "Uh...nothing, it's nothing." he said, standing up. "Hey, it's actually getting late. I should head home." It was only eight thirty.

"Aw, but you didn't help me pick out my dress," I stood with him. "Actually, I think you should be surprised. Never mind, you're free to go." I leaned up to kiss him. "See you, babe."

"Um..." Zayn looked down at the phone again. "Bye, love." he headed out the door. I looked out the window to see that he turned his car around in the opposite direction, away from his house. I scrunched up my eyebrows in confusion as I watched. I decided on not thinking much of it as I looked through my dresses again. I couldn't decide on a purple or gold dress.

I entered the school building, swinging my hand back in forth in Zayn's hand the next day. I was on my phone in one hand and Zayn was doing whatever on his. There wasn't much to talk about right now since were both very tired and he seemed a little distant the past day, since we were driving home from London and he received a text and then it continued yesterday, but whenever I asked him if he was okay, he'd say he's fine. Our relationship seems great but it's just that I think something's wrong with him. Something's up that he's not telling me.

"What's up, babe?" I asked him when we approached my locker. We stopped walking as I started putting in my locker combination. "For the ninth time."

"What do you mean?" I dropped his hand to turn and look at him face to face. He knows what I meant. I crossed my arms and gave him a stern look. "Okay, okay. Nothing's up, I'm just - I'm just really out of it today. Everything's fine." Zayn stated but I still didn't believe him. He's been 'out of it' since two days ago after getting a text while I drove home. He's been on his phone a lot, too. And then he lied to me when he said he was going home but turned in the opposite direction."Really. I'm fine. Don't worry about it, angel." He leaned down to kiss me but I just turned away. His lips landed on my cheek instead. If he don't want to talk, he ain't getting these lips right now.

"Whatever you say." I opened my locker and grabbed my books. As I closed it, I spotted a head full of curls behind it. I backed up a little bit in surprise. "Oh. Hello Harry." I sighed, turning, already walking away. "What a nice little surprise."

"I can't believe your relationship is still going strong. What's it been, like two months?" he grinned mischievously. "Already?"

"Yeah, just about." Zayn grabbed my hand again and tried to hurry me away from him. "Go away, Harry." I haven't seen them interact in a while. The last time was probably the party on the first night of spring break where he punched him and then elbowed me in the mouth. That was around the beginning of the month.

Harry kept up with the two of us with a smirk on his face. "Oh, so you have told her already? That's lovely. Amazing, actually. Couple of the year. You know, I admire you Zayn."

"Told me what?" I looked at Harry.

"Nothing." Zayn shook his head and tightened his grip on my hand a little bit. "He's just trying to ruin our relationship. Harry, leave us alone."

"Or am I helping it? Truthful relationships are the best relationships, am I right?" Harry smiled at the two of us and I gave him a questioning look. "Oops! I truly thought you knew about how Zayn--"

"Harry, can I talk to you?" Zayn dropped my hand and nearly walked away quickly with him. "I'll see you at lunch." he came back and kissed my lips before then rushed away with his arm in his hand.

Bully Love (Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now