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Wow, I can't believe it's Monday again. Sunday went by in a flash.

I finished putting on my makeup and walked down the stairs. It's odd that I'm not walking all slowly like usual, I'm just in an unusual morning mood. This rarely happens. I filled up Buzz's bowls and he went outside to pee before I let him back inside. I was wearing jeans and a tee and my hair was down to cover the two marks on my neck. The makeup didn't do the trick, it looks retarded now. I walked to my car, a little early, and got in my car to pick up Li. He has been teasing me all weekend because he thinks that I have a crush on Zayn.

I pulled up in front of his house and honked once before he walked out with a bowl of cereal in his hands. "Hey there, Li." I said and shoved a spoonful of Frosted Flakes in his mouth before giving me a milky, wet kiss on the cheek, "You're so gross."

"You love me." He laughed.

* * * * *

The stares are worse than before. Some looked envious and others looked kind of shocked. What the heck did I do now? "Liam...do you see the stares too?" I whispered. He nodded and we continued walking. It's before lunch and I just wanna eat.

A girl walked in front of me and I was forced to stop, "What's it like kissing Zayn?" She questioned and Liam sniggered, covering his mouth. I narrowed my eyes at her.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, trying to pretend that we never kissed before.

The girl pulled out her phone, "You cannot deny that you're not dating now, Nicolette. Look at this!" She shoved her phone in my face and I saw a picture of Zayn and I on the Ferris Wheel...kissing. "What's it like?"

I ignored her and walked around, taking Liam with me. Someone was on that Ferris Wheel behind us and they took that picture. We sat down at our regular table and Liam emptied his lunch bag while I went to buy something. "Oh, there she is...imagine how Perrie is gonna act when she gets that picture from them."

My head snapped in their direction, "Who?" I questioned, butting into their conversation.

"Who what?" She turned around and her friend did as well.

"Who's sending the picture to everyone?"

"Louis and Eleanor."

I frowned. Of course it was them two; they're always looking for a reason to humiliate someone and that someone just so happened to be me. I stayed quiet as the lunch line gossiped about Zayn and I, and I took some pasta salad on my tray with a chicken patty. I took a water bottle too and paid for it before sitting down.

"It was Louis and Eleanor who were sending those pictures," I told Liam and he didn't looked surprised at all. He was looking at something behind me and I turned around. Oh, Zayn. Our eyes met and both of our cheeks turned a light pinkish color. Yep, can't look at him without feeling embarrassed. He saw me half naked and touched my boobs. I almost pulled down his boxers and touched his...yeah. Mhm, we both should be a little embarrassed. He gave me a cheeky boy smile before sitting down.

"Yeah, you totally have a crush on him." He nodded, eating his sandwich.

No I don't! I don't wanna have a crush on Zayn. "Stop." I whined, throwing a little tomato that was in my salad at him. "Zayn is just a friend. Just friends." I told him. If I had a crush on him, that would be horrible and then I'd have this broken heart if he did that whole, 'ooh, I never liked you it was a prank.' Oh, goodness. I'm not dating him.

"Your boyfriend's right behind you." Liam said after a bit. I turned around and he was walking towards me with a smile.

"Hey, Liam." He grinned at him and Liam did the same back, but it wasn't real, and then Zayn looked at me, "Hi, Nikki. Nice hickeys." He laughed and Liam joined in. I covered them once again with my hair, "Sorry. I just came over here to ask if you know who was taking those pictures of us on Saturday. Do you?"

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