Chapter Eight

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I was discharged from the hospital a week later. I was told to keep it easy but allowed to attend my senior prom. Niall and Louis wouldn't let me leave the house without at least one of them. Over the course of a few months, Niall and Louis became good friends. Louis saw past Niall's behavior and realized that he was going to protect me no matter what. I became closer with the 'Pistols' and more distant from Abigail and Kendall. They weren't quite ready to trust them.

“Hey honey?” my mother piped up during dinner one night – Niall included.

“Yeah mum?” I answer.

“Why don't you call Abigail and Kendall, and the three of you can go dress shopping for prom.” she continued.

“Yeah babe, you haven't really spoken to them in a while.” Niall added.

I nod at their statements and decide I'd call them after dinner. My family trusted Niall and I to be in my room – alone.

“You coming babe?” I ask him after dinner as I start climbing the stairs.

“Lou asked me if I wanted to play football with him and Lottie, and I uh, said yes.” he confessed. “I hope you don't mind.”

I laugh and kiss his cheek, “No, I don't mind. Go have fun.” I climb the stairs and call Abigail and Kendall.

“Hey girls, do you guys wanna go dress shopping on Friday for prom?” I leave a message on each of their phones. I sigh and place my phone back on my desk. I decide to take a quick nap, hoping that when I wake, I hear something from Kendall and/or Abigail. Before I can ever close my eyes I hear a girly-ish high pitch scream. I quickly dart out of bed and run down the stairs – nearly tripping twice. “What was that?” I ask out of breath.

“Easy, easy. Small steps.” I hear Louis say.

I walk to the kitchen and Louis and my mother's boyfriend, Dan, were helping Niall walk into the kitchen as he clutched his bollocks.

“What happened?” I ask trying to control my giggling.

“Lottie hit Niall in the bollocks with the football.” Louis laughed while getting Niall some ice.

“It wasn't on purpose! I promise!” she cried.

“I know Lottie, it's okay. Really.” Niall smiled and winced when he placed the ice on his aching groin.

“My poor baby.” I coo. “Will a kiss make it better?”

Niall's ears move at the sound of my voice and he nods his head with a pout. I gently – yet seductively – kiss his lips earning a groan in disgust from my sister and brother as they exit the room.

“Hey Lil?”

I don't hear Louis call my name because I'm to busy staring into Niall's blue eyes. His eyes sparkle when laughs.

“What are you laughing?” I insist.

“Your brother has been calling for the past five minutes.” he chuckles softly.

“What? Has he really?”

“No, he has only called your name once.”

I slap him across the shoulder and he laughs harder.

“Lily.” I hear Louis sing-song my name.

“One more kiss?” Niall whispers.

I grab his face roughly and kiss him passionately causing him to moan lightly.

“Lily! Stop snogging your boyfriend and get in here!” Louis was yelling now.

“Are you and Niall coming to my game on Friday?”

“Is that what you seriously called me in here for?”

His head nods sheepishly.

“Niall, you're free Friday right?” I yell back to the kitchen.

“I'm free for you any day baby!” he calls back – a flush washes across my face.

“I meant for Louis' game!” I groan.

Niall laughs so hard – I sore he fell over in his chair – but answers, “Yeah, I'm free.”

“Then yes, we're going.” I say turning back to Louis as he nods. Louis' head nods as excitement grows on his face.

“It's the championship game! College sponsors are going to be there to watch Liam and I. We might be getting scholarships at the University of London, for football. ”

I could tell he was jumping for joy on the inside.

“College sponsors! Wow Lou!” I smile.

I loved that my brother had things planned out for after high school. I sort of did... – to be honest, I don't. I know that I want to go to college but I didn't know where or what for. I'm a senior in high school and I have no idea what I'm doing with my future. According to my mother, I'm an amazing writer along with drawing. I glance back at Niall laughing with my sister. I began to wonder – did Niall have a future planned out? Was he going to work for the drug dealer all his life? Not to mention putting the people – he cares about – lives on the line.

“Babe? What's wrong?” a voice brings me out of my thoughts.

“Huh? What?”

“You've been staring at me for five minutes.” Niall giggles.

I give him a sarcastic smile along with a roll of my eyes.

“Niall, you'd better head home before the rain comes. We're suppose to get a really bad storm and I don't want you driving in it!” I hear my mother call.

“Can you get up?” I giggle causing Niall to laugh sarcastically.

“Yeah, I'm fine.” he winces and falls back in the chair.

“I'll drive you home.” I sigh. “Mum! I'm gonna drive Niall home.”

“Alright! Be careful!” I hear her answer.

“Bye Nialler!” Lottie hollers.

“Bye Lottie! I call a rematch later!” Niall hollers back.

“Watch out for my sister while she's driving.” Louis says while he messes up my hair.

“Everyone watch out! We've got a new driver on the road!” Niall yells when we reach my car.

“Niall!” I yell. “I'm not that bad.”

“I know, baby.” he grins.

By the time we arrive at Niall's flat, the sky has gone black and the rumble of thunder could be heard in the distance. The moment we step inside, the sky starts crying – hard. I call my mum to let her know we made it to Niall's.

“Yeah mum, we're okay. Alright, I'll just spend the night here. I promise. Alright. I love you, bye.”

I turn back to Niall and – in the hottest way – is smiling so wide. I feel myself being pushed against the wall – teeth biting my neck.

“Niall, what about your-” I question.

“They stopped hurting way before we left.”

I gasp, “You just wanted me to come over!”

“It's been too long, baby.” Niall growls softly in my ear while kissing my sweet spot.

I moan encouraging him to keep going – which ends up with me being thrown on the bed and our clothes being scattered around the room.

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