Chapter Twenty

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The summer was nearly over and everyone was getting ready to go back to school in September – except me. I help Louis pack up his room for college – he and Liam were going to live in a dorm together on campus. Since they both received a scholarship for the same occupation, they were able to live in the same dorm – and just them. Their dorm was big enough to hold two single beds, a small refrigerator, and cupboards for clothing. Since I was the oldest child in the house now, my mother said I may move into Lou's room. I declined but asked if I could still keep it – she agreed. With two weeks until school begins, I was afraid to drift apart from my brother. We use to do everything together – being twins and all, but I realized I had to let go. I spent my mornings with Lottie, my afternoons with Niall, Harry, and Zayn and my nights with Louis. Every afternoon, Niall, Harry, Zayn and I spent the day walking around town. We'd go shopping or just hang around at the park. One afternoon, Lottie begged me to take her shopping. I agreed, but I had to cancel on the boys.

“Hey Zayn, are the other boys there too?” I ask speaking through the phone.

“Yeah, they're getting ready.”

“Oh em, about that.” I trail off.

Zayn laughs on the other line, “What is it?”

“Lottie begged me to take her shopping and I agreed and...”

“It's fine babe!” I hear Niall yell.

“I'm on speaker aren't I?”

Zayn laughs loudly.

“It's no worries, Lily.” I hear Harry speak.

“You guys sure?” I bite the inside of my cheek.

“Hey do you mind if I tag along? I really need some new clothes.” Zayn questions.


“Alright, see you in a few.”

“See you.”

I hang up after my comment.

“Hey Lott!” I call for her.

“Yeah Lil?”

“Zayn's tagging along, okay?”

I hear her sigh but answer, “Okay.”

-at Carter's dress shop-

Zayn lounges in one of the chairs in the little dress shop. I could tell he was bored out of his mind and wishing he to kill himself.

“You've got your new clothes, you don't have to stay any longer.” I chuckle at him.

He sits up and stretches his muscles causing his shirt to ride up exposing a tattoo on his v-line. I dart my eyes away and bite the inside of my cheek.

“Nah,” he yawns. “I've got nothing else to do.”

I shrug and wait for Lottie to step out of the dressing room.

“Lily, why don't you try on some dresses too? You never know when you'll need them.” I hear Lottie's muffled suggestion.

“Having problems with the dress?” I laugh.

“No no. Now try on dresses.”

“You heard your sister.” Zayn chuckles.

I roll my eyes and grab a couple dress of the rack and walk into a dressing room. When I get one dress over my head, I have trouble with the zipper – which wasn't the first time.

“Erm Zayn.” I cough awkwardly.

The door of the dressing room opens right away.


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