Chapter 1

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Alex's P.O.V

Viper is taking over the world. No one but us can stop him. Problem is, we're just five teens against well..the world. Jess, Duke, Tony, and I are still training Kylah. She's catching on fast. Leo is always yelling at me that she's just a kid. And I end up yelling back, that she's not a normal kid. And we need all the help we can get. But I  know he's just worried about losing her, and Jessica. He really has a crush on her. Raph is a little uncomfortable with me going away and into danger. But I had to go. The world needs us. And I'm not sitting around waiting for some one else to do it.

I clicked the bullets into my gun, and slipped it into its holster. Raph wrapped his arms around my neck from behind. "You really gonna do this?" I looked at him in the mirror.  "I have to. to save the world...I guess its my destiny." I smiled a little. He walked over and sat on my bed. "I don't want you to get hurt." I put my hair in a ponytail. " I know Raph. but We'll be back." He looked at me. "Ho long will you be gone?" I put on my watch, and pushed in my ear piece. "As long as it takes to stop Viper." I sat beside him, and  rubbed his shoulder. 

"Raph you guys protect New York. I protect the world. I will be back. I promise." He thumped his fist on the bed, tears streaming out of his eyes. "Stop promising! You say you'll return, then you don't." I sighed. "Raph remember when I ran off that day. the day I came back shot? I promised to be back. I came back. The day I went to Cadmus. I promised to return. I did. When I went off to help my team mates then got captured, and tortured. I promised to come back. I did." I turned his face to look at me.  "When I make  promise, I keep it. Now I promise you that I will return to you. God knows how long I'll be gone, but I will come back." 

Raph smiled. He placed a small kiss on my forehead. "I know you will." I walked out. Jessica was talking to Leo. Donnie was talking to Tony, and Duke was laughing with Kylah. I smiled. This would be our last time with them before we would leave. I  walked to the kitchen and saw Casey, and April. "Hey, guys." April looked like she would cry. "Your really going?" I nodded. "yep." They both pulled me into a group hug. I smiled. "A-Alex?" I looked up and saw Mikey with tear stains on his face. "Mikey, what is it?" April and Casey left us. Mikey ran into my arms and cried. "I dont want you to leave!" I hugged him tight.

"Mikey don't cry. I'll be back." He looked up at me with those adorable blue eyes. "Promise?" I chuckled. "I swear." He hugged me one last time. I walked out to the main room. "All set?" Jason asked. "Yeah." Master Splinter splinter stroked his beard. "To be successful as a team, you will need a leader, a captain." Everyone looked at me. "What?" Duke chuckled. "Your the best leader we got, Lex." Tony smiled. "Yeah. You should be leader." I sighed. "Ok, fine. Go to the room and finish gearing up." Duke grinned. "Aye, aye, Captain." We started walking to the room. "Hey, Jess. Can I talk to you?" Leo asked. 

Jessica glanced at me. "Go on we'll wait." She went to Leo and we continued to my room. "Ok, according to my computer, we have heavy Viper action in France, and Germany." Tony said. "Great We'll start in Germany." Duke said, clipping an ammo pack to his belt. I shrugged off my leather X Force jacket, and slipped the photo of me and Jack in the inside pocket. I fastened on my shoulder holster, and slipped a gun from the drawer in it. I slipped on the jacket, and zipped it up halfway. We all loaded our guns, and stuffed our backpacks with other gear we might need.

The door opened, and Jessica walked in. She looked like she had been flying. He eyes looked like she was in a different world.  We smirked at her, and each other. "Hey, Jess, what happened?" Kylah asked, putting on her belt. "N-nothing happened...nothing.." She sounded like she was close to drunk too. I raised an eyebrow. "What did Leo say?" she blushed a bit. "He kissed you didn't he?" Tony asked. Jess blushed more. "I KNEW IT!" Duke shouted. "You did like him!" We all laughed. "So, you and him.." I said. "yeah." She confirmed. 

After we were done making fun of her, and Leo, we got back to work.  "So how we gonna get there? we have no plane." Jess said. "Oh, we do." I grinned. I have something you guys'll love. I have jet with a lab, technicians station, and even bedrooms. I'll take you to it when we leave."  they all gawked. "Alex." Kylah said. "You are, awesome!" I smiled. "Why thank you." I glanced at my watch. "Time to go." We all put our stuff on, and walked out. 

"Kylah!" Leo ran up to her and hugged her. "Be safe." He told her. "I will Leo." I touched his shoulder. "I'll make sure she comes back alive." I promised him. He smiled. We finished our good byes and walked out to the sewers. "Alex!" I turned in time to see Raph run up. Grabbing my shoulders, he pulled me into a passionate kiss. I melted right away. When we pulled away he had tears in his eyes. "I love you." He said. "I love you more." I whispered. I hugged him for the last time, and we ran off into the darkness of the Viper infested city.

Taking the team to a hidden underground hanger I found about a year ago, I relieved a marvelous aircraft. "It's got camouflage mode, and force shield against detectors." "Sweet." Tony said. We all climbed aboard, and I sat in the pilot seat. Jess sat next to me. "Ready guys?!" I yelled over the roar of the engine. "Ready when you are captain!"  I lifted the plane of the ground and we took off. I set it to Germany, Auto pilot, and leaned back in my chair. This was the beginning of a huge adventure.

And there is is. the first chapter. what do you think? 

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