Chapter 11

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Raph's P.O.V

Its been almost 3 months. I've been less depressed. But not all the way. We all have been more quiet. Leo asked Jess to be his girlfriend. Duke and I get along more now. Jason and Greg are doing ok. Everyday I have a breakdown. I can't go on without her.

I woke up to Leo shaking my shoulder. "Raph! Raph! Get up." I sat up groggily. "What do you want?!" I growled. "There's someone in the sewers. Donnie's trip wire was triggered, and it was way bigger then a rat. I growled. "Fine, I'm coming."

After Leonardo left, I put on my mask, and belt. I glanced at the clock. 3:45. I sighed, and grabbed my sais. We ran out into the sewers. An hour past and we found nothing. Then a smell reached our noses. It was blood. And a lot of it. 

Donnie put his bow staff on his back. "whoever came this way left a trail." He said, pointing to the blood on the wall and ground. "They must be hurt bad.." Mikey said. We kept walking until Leo whispered. "Take cover!" We jumped to separate hiding places. We heard foot steps and breathing. Though it was more like wheezing. 

I glanced out, and saw a stumbling figure, coming our way. the person walked closer until Raph could tell the features of the person. It was a girl. about 17.  She groaned in pain, as she leaned on the wall and made her way in his direction, a thin line of blood streamed from her mouth.

The girl coughed blood, and held her side. She fell to her knees, and whimpered. Then with a pained moan, the girl's eyes rolled back, and she fell. I jumped out of my hiding place and caught her. She was out cold.

We took her to the lair, and Don worked on her. Finally he came out. "How is she Don?" Leo asked. He smiled a little. "She'll be ok." I walked to my room, and lay down. The next day, I went to check up on the girl. I was surprised to see she was up.

"H-Hey." I said, leaning in the door way. She looked at me, and I could see tears in her eyes. She smiled. "I'm ok." She rubbed the back of her neck. Something about her blue eyes, and warm smile seemed familiar.

She sighed. "Thanks Raph." my eyes widened. "How do you know my name?" She pulled off her jacket slowly, and let her hair down. I stood frozen. Unable to move. Unable to speak. "A-Alex?" She smiled, making the scar on her cheek stretch. "Its me. I'm home. I'm here." 

I laughed and grabbed her in a hug, tears streamed form my face. I held her tight, not wanting to let go. "I missed you Raph." She whispered. I pressed my face to her neck. "I missed you too, Alex." She breathed out. I pulled away a little and looked into her bright blue eyes. "Your more beautiful then ever." I breathed, moving a few stray strands of hair from her face to behind her ear.

Skye looked down. "I-I thought I would never see you again. I thought I was going to lose you." She started to break down. I held her close. "Its ok, Alex. Your here now. And your safe." Suddenly a sharp pain filled me. 

"I know I am." She said with an evil smirk. "A-Alex....." I pulled the knife from my stomach. I looked at her, confused and in pain. She smirked. "I'm glad you helped me, Raphael. It was all part of the plan." I fall the the ground, and stared at the blood that dripped from my mouth to the floor. 

Leo and the others ran in. Duke shot Alex with a stun gun and she fell to the ground. I whimpered, as everything went black.

When I woke. I was in the lab. Leo was in a chair next to me. "H-Hey." I said. He shot up. "Raph! You up!" I smiled. Then I remembered Alex. "Where is Alex?" He looked away. "Don said it wasn't her. It was a clone...." I sat up. "But Alex is a clone..." Leo nodded. "Yeah, but this was one based on her 2 months ago. 

I looked at my hands. "So she really is gone?" Leo sighed. "I don't know Raph. I don't know. We had the clone in a chained chamber but she escaped." I bit my lip. Later I was out on the couch when I heard running. 

I sat up. "Guys?" The ran in. The foot steps came closer, and heavy breathing was audible. A figure entered the lair. A person in a black army outfit. A viper patch on the jacket shoulder. A helmet on their head. A rifle in their hands. My heart was racing.

Duke took out his gun, and trained it at the person. "Drop your weapon!" He shouted. The person dropped the gun, and put up their hands. "Don't shoot!" Jess told him. Duke lowered his gun, but not all the way.

The person took a step forward. "Don't come any closer!" Stopping, the person reached up, and lifted off the helmet slowly. brown hair fell to the person's shoulders, a bruise on their cheek, bright blue eyes. I stepped forward. 

Leo held me back. "Wait. It might be the other one." She cocked her head to she side. "Other one?" Kylah spoke up. "Another clone of you came and hurt Raph." Alex looked at me, worried. "Are you ok?" I nodded. "Can you see she's not the bad one?" I told them.

Leo sighed. "If it's really you Alex, then tell us something only Alex would know." She thought for a moment, then hung her head. "My brother died saving my life."  I nodded. "Its her." I ran to her, and hugged her tight. She hugged back, and sobbed into my shoulder. 

I rubbed her back. "Its ok, Alex, your home." She sighed. " I missed you so much."  I smiled. "I missed you so much more." She pulled back and kissed me softly. I put my arms around her waist, and kissed back, happy to be with her again.

Later that night we all celebrated the return of our heroes. Alex, Duke, Kylah, Jessica, Tony, and Raven. I smiled. As we watched a movie, Alex fell sleep on my shoulder. I took her to my room and layed her on the bed. I smiled and opened the door to leave, when he angelic voice reached my ears. "Don't leave me, Raph."

 I looked over at her. "You ok?" She rolled onto her back. " I haven't slept in days. I've been through a lot. I-I need you right now." I smiled, and folded my arms. "Ok, fine." I lay down beside her. She snuggled close, and sighed. "So, how did you survive?" I asked.

Alex opened her eyes and looked at me. "I would have died. But I was saved by a trooper. I lay dying there. As the place exploded, a trooper ran in and threw himself over me, saving my life....When I woke up, I found myself washed up on the shore.

I then travelled here." She bit her lip to keep from crying. I put my arms around her. "But there is somehow a copy of me out there. Wanting to kill everyone." I nodded and kissed her head. "I know. And when she comes looking for you, We'll be ready."

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