Chapter 15

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Alex's P.O.V

Going to the roofs at night when all the turtles and the team were asleep, I thought about my time with my brother. I sighed and gripped the edge of the roof. "Why does my life have to be so confusing?" I asked to no one in particular. 

A lone scream reached my ears, and I jumped off the roof, and ran in the direction of the noise. Purple bozos. I smirked. "Anyone tell you not to hit a girl?" They turned to me and growled. the girl ran away. I grinned. "You punks make my night."

The fight lasted about 30 minutes, but I enjoyed it. I walked to the roof, and popped my neck. "You really needed to blow some steam eh?" I spun around. No one. "Huh? Who's there?!" I asked. No answer. My heart started to pound.

Then the deep voice was heard again. "They never understood you. Not like me." I turned in a circle, fists ready. "You always had...what did Jack call it again? Oh, yeah. An explosive temper." I was starting to get nervous. Who was this person? "It'S what made you, you." 

Then I saw him.....more like it. A large reptile...Lizard I think. He was taller than me with spikes down his back and tail. He was green, but had a red chest and red spikes. Red scales cover his back along with green scales. The tip of his tail was on fire?!

I stared up at him. "No....It-It can't be...." He grinned, showing off his sharp white teeth. "Its me, Alex." I stepped back. "B-blaze?!" I was crushed in a hug from him. "Its good to see you again...Even if you did leave me in a burning house!" I sighed. "Sorry....I-I did'nt know you had survived. and Mom and dad were dead....." 

I looked down. Blaze sighed and pulled away. "Sorry, Alex..I-I didn't know." I smiled and hugged him. "Its ok, Blaze." He looked at me. "You have really grown." I chuckled. "So have you! What happened?" He sat down and sighed. "Kraang. thanks to you and your 'school project,' I am now resistant to heat. I go out of the wreckage, and walked around. go a few close calls though."

He pointed to a scar on his face. "Bird. But I cooked it." I chuckled softly. "Anyways, I survived, and Then got captuered by the kraang. Stupid robot brains.... I got mutated to this. I escaped, and here I am!" He grinned. I shook my head. 

"You've been through so much, Blaze..." He put his giant hand on my head. I looked up. "Its ok. I'm safe now.." I smiled. "We're both safe." He hugged me. I nuzzled his warm green and red chest. "I love you man....." I whispered. He chuckled. "I love you too Alex.." I smirked and rubbed my fingers on the side of his head.

He suddenly got a cute expression, and fell down cooing and making happy lizard noises. I laughed, and scratched his underbelly. He rolled over, and giggled. I chuckled and climbed on top of him. "You still have your weakness, Blaze." He smirked and poked my side. 

I collapsed laughing. then I realised I couldn't move. Blaze wrapped his arms around me. I stuggled. "And so do you, Alex." I pouted. "Blazzzeeee!" He laughed let me go. I lay on top of him staring up at the sky. "I missed you." He said. I nodded and yawned. "Yeah. I missed you too, buddy."

Then suddenly I heard a voice. "Alex?!" I looked over to my left. Raph stood there, sais is hand. "Put them away Raph." He looked at Blaze. "Who.....what...." I sighed and got off of Blaze. "Raphael, meet Blaze, my pet lizard. Blaze meet Raph, my boyfriend."

Blaze stood up. "Boyfriend?" I nodded. "A your boyfriend.....?"  I nodded. "Yup. A ninja turtle." Raph Slowly put his weapons away. "And he is......." I leaned on Blaze and grinned. "A mutant lizard with pyrokinesis." Raph looked confused. "Fire powers." I summarised. "Oh..." He said. I nodded. Then Blaze began to sniff.

"Ah...ah...ah............" my eyes grew wide. "Duck!" I tackled Raph just as a wall of fire hit where he had been standing. Blaze shook his head. "S-Sorry..." I smiled and got up. "You still have the sneezing?" He grinned a little. "Got it from you." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah. I guess so."

Raph sighed "Anyways....since we are all now happy and we know each other.....Alex you have to come back to the lair." I groaned. "Why?" He glanced at Blaze. "Because we need you to be home. And I want to be sure you are safe." I had to smile. It was cute how he tryed to be so protective over me. 

"Ok, fine Raph." I turned to Blaze. "I'll see you soon Blaze old pal." He nodded with a sad smile and ruffled my hair like he always saw my brother or dad do. "See you soon, Alexis." He looked at Raph and glared a bit. Raph ignored him and smiled at me. I watched Blaze go then walked back to the lair with Raph.

"A family reunion and you ruined it." I mumbled. "What was that, girl-who-ran-off-telling-no-one where-she-was?" Raph asked sarcasticly, and looked at me. I rolled my eyes. "Guilty as charged, but you still ruined it..." He sighed. "Yeah well....I don't want you getting hurt." I nodded. "Yeah, I know. I'll tell you guys when I'm going out.." He smiled. "Good."

I yawned and stretched as we entered his room. Raph took the opening and pushed me while I was off balance. "Raaaaph!" I whined as I fell on the bed.  He chuckled, and pinned my wrists. "Alllleexx!" He mocked. I rolled my eyes. "Whatever." He grinned. "whatever."

 I stared at him. "Really?" another smooth grin. "Really?" I smirked. "Weirdo." "weirdo." I smiled. "I hate you." He pouted. "I hate you." I laughed. "I love you." He smiled. "I love you." I chuckled, and pecked his lips. "Night Raph." He let me go and lay beside me. "Night Alexis." I went to sleep thinking; 'I have the best family in the whole world.'

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