Chapter 2

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Alex's P.O.V

Ok flying a giant jet unseen in the sky is a piece of cake. Trying to fly through other spotter jets, and helicopters is not as easy. I landed the plane in a open field. we filed out, leaving our backpacks in the plane. Walking into the city of Detroit, we noticed it was surprisingly quiet. People were out on their normal day, but they all had this look of fear in their eyes. a scuffle in city square caught our attention.  a young boy, about 15 was fighting a man in military uniform. 

We knew better then to interfere. The man had a Viper patch on his uniform. We inched closer to the crowd surrounding the two.  A gunshot was heard, and Jess looked away. The crowd parted. The boy lay dead on the ground. Two other Viper soldiers lifted him, and lugged him away. "What was that?" Kylah asked. "A rebel." Came the answer. A young boy about 15 or 16, looked with respect at the boy being lifted into a truck. "A rebel who refused to accept Viper's new government and rules." I looked at him. "Does anyone like the new rules?" He looked at me. Green eyes filled of strength, and determination.

"No, no one likes them. They just listen, because they are to afraid to object. they use people like Spencer to show what happens when someone refuses their 'law'. No one is happy with it. No one." He looked at us all.  "Not from around here, are you?" He asked. "No." Duke answered. "I thought so. A group of rebels your selves eh?" He said casually.  "Aren't we all." Jess looked him in the eye. "Who are you?" He crossed his arms. "Name's Nathan."(pic above.) We told him our names.

"So, what makes you hate Viper so much Nathan? I mean sure everyone hates them, but. Not so much with such determination." Tony said. "My folks were murdered by Viper. They were rebels, like me. Died my heroes. Ever since, I've formed a team of young rebels to infiltrate, and take down Viper." We looked at each other. "It's almost curfew, we should get going. see you around."Nathan said be fore running off . "See you around Nathan." Tony looked astounded. "Wow a curfew too. These guys mean business." 

Back at the jet, we discussed our next move. "We still need to get to Germany and destroy Viper HQ." Jess said. "But what about Nathan, and the other rebels?" Said Kylah. "They have no training. The mean well, but are only there for justice and vengeance." 

I sat and thought. "What do you say Cap?" Duke asked. I thought. Finally I came up with my answer. "We stay here. Learn all we can about Viper. Maybe from Tim's group. We need food anyway." As soon as I said that I felt really hungry. Suddenly, my phone rang. "Hello?" "Hey, Alex. You busy?" I felt happy to hear Raph's voice again. "Hey, Raph. Nah, I'm not to busy, what's up?" I heard him sigh. "We all miss you guys. Your all alive?" I chuckled. "yeah we're fine. I miss you too." Tony signalled me it was time to go. We needed to limit phone calls so they wouldn't be tracked. "Gotta go, Raph. Love you." "Yeah, Love you too, babe." I ended the call. 

"We should get some sleep." I said. They all agreed and we went to our bunks in the plane. I lay awake, and thought. We had one shot at this. If they didn't get it right the first time. If their cover was blown, it was all over. They were as good as dead. And ever since Jacks death, I havn't been able to speed, or even use my fire. The tattoos had even faded a bit. Finally I slipped into a troubled sleep. The next day. We went into the city again. We went to a restaurant, and ordered some food.

"Ok, we need to make a plan." I started. "The whole city is under surveillance by Viper. Tony think you can hack it?" He looked doubtful. "Not sure." I nodded. "If you cant I can." Duke looked at me sideways. "You can hack?" I shrugged. "Yeah. Best in the X Force." Jess grinned. "Glad your with us, Alex." I grinned back. "Glad to be here. Any ways maybe we can hack it and get into their files-" "Bad idea." We looked up to see Nathan standing there.

"Hey, Nathan." He sat down. "As I said not a good plan. Viper has viruses that blocks it against hacking." Duke sighed. "So much for that idea. Then what else do we have?" Nathan spoke up. "Spying on them. I have a few of my troops on spy duty right now. Actually,  can take you to meet them." We left the diner, and walked with Nathan to a warehouse that had been demolished. He stepped through the broken window, and we followed. 

Nathan moved aside some boards, and lifted a trap door in the floor. "Get in." We went in, and saw a sight that made our eyes grow the size of saucers.  Kids of all ages filed in and out of rooms. the youngest I can tell was about 9 or 10 at least. the oldest 16, 17.  I was amazed. I couldn't believe it. Nathan had done a great job. There was one kid about 11, who was practising throwing hand made, throwing knifes. Another kid, he looked about 9 had a nasty scar across his cheek. Nathan took us on a tour.

"Kelsey has a wicked aim. Sam is scared but loyal, and brave. Jim knows the city inside out. And there are others."  Nathan rambled. "Do you have any.....real weapons?" Jess asked. Nathan stopped and glared at her. "We have trouble surviving as it is. No, we don't have allot of weapons. Kelsey has her knives. Simon stole a gun off a Viper, has two bullets. Nicky has her fists. Other then that...nothing." I took in all the sights. "So, who's your doctor? You gotta have a med right?" Nathan hung his head sadly. "No...we have a guy in the room...he's hurt. Real bad. Got stabbed in the shoulder. but we have no idea what to do.

I smiled a bit. "Take me to him."  Leaving the others, Nathan took me to a small room. Inside on a bed, was a young boy about 13. "Devon." The boy looked up. "Nathan!" He smiled, weakly. "This is Alex. She's gonna help you." Nathan left the room. I walked over to him. "Hey. how you feeling bud." He grinned. "It hurts, but I'm good." I was impressed by his courage. 

I looked at his shoulder. it was bloody, and probably infected already. I knelt next to the bed, and looked him in the eyes. "this is going to hurt." I warned. He nodded, and shut his eyes. I put my hand on his shoulder. I concentrated. Devon whimpered, and groaned in pain. Any other person would have been screaming. I used most of my strength to heal his shoulder. I took my hand off his shoulder, leaving it clean, and closed. Devon opened his eyes. "Thank you. How did you do that?" He asked. I smiled at him. "I'm an-" "Inhuman." He finished. I raised an eyebrow. "Inhuman?" 

He swung his legs over the side of the bed. "A mutant with powers. a inhuman." I nodded. "yeah,That's what I am. How do you know so much about them?" He raised his hand. Ice crystallized over it. "Most of us here, are inhumans. Viper hates that. and they want us gone. Their scared of us." I nodded. I knew how it felt. "Devon, I promise I will help all of you guys, take down Viper. Me and my team have supplys." He smiled. "Thanks, Alex." I smiled back. "No problem." I left the room. "So, what's the plan, Cap?" Duke asked. I cracked my knuckles. "Viper wants a war, they got it. The plan? We make an army."

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