Chapter 8

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Alex's P.O.V

"Alex. Alex. Alexis, wake up." I opened my eyes to see neon green ones staring back at me. "Raph?" He smiled. "Yeah its me. You awake?" I yawned. "Am now." He kissed my nose. "Good." I sighed, and rolled onto my back. "I thought I lost you." he breathed. "No. I'm not leaving you, Not now. not ever." I said, linking my fingers with his. "I'll always be here with you." I promised with a small smile. "Forever,and always?" I gazed into Raphael's beautiful green eyes, and held him close. "Forever and always." 

I woke up on a building. I stretched, and looked over at Raven, who was still sleeping. I thought about the dream. I had to return to Raph. But I had to destroy the Viper stronghold..."Ugh!" Why was this so hard?! I had a choice between Raph, and the fate of the world. I had to choose what I was going to fight for. Raph, or the world. 

The answer was clear. I had to save the world. I wouldn't let my emotions take over. As much as I hated it, I had to choose the world over the ones I loved. I walked over to the edge of the roof, and watched as the sun rose into the sky. 

I remembered doing it with Raph when I was 'Falcon.' Watching the sun sets. watching the sun rise. It brought back great memories. I let the warm rays of the golden sun warm my face. "Alex?" I turned to see Raven getting up.

I nodded. "Hey. Sleep well?" She nodded, and yawned. "Never slept like that in a long time." I nodded. "Same here. We should get going. Not a lot of time." 

We climbed down and walked out into the crowded street. I led Raven to a part of town that was described as the 'slums.' It was filled with the baddest of the baddest of the gangs, and bad guys. 'Perfect place for me.'  I snickered at the thought.

As we walked through the empty streets, sounds of fighting and shouting reached our ears. Raven and I rounded a corner and saw a sight that triggered my mouth to curl into a smirk. There in the middle of the street was a fight. I street fight. 

Most of the street fighters were guys if not all. We stood with the cheering and jeering crowd. I pushed closer, and watched as two guys beat each other to pulp. Well on was getting beat to pulp. If the buff guy didn't stop, the younger guy wouldn't make it. 

I pushed my way into the ring. "I'll sub for him." I said, determination in my eyes. The younger guy looked up at me, while the buff guy smirked. "Look! A girl wants to fight." There was a roar of laughter from the crowd. I helped the boy to his feet. they were all older then me 19-20 or older.  "You got a problem with me being a girl?" I growled.

He cracked his knuckles. "No not at all. Means I will win more easily." I glared at him before letting another guy take the bleeding boy. "Careful!" He shouted to me, as I took off my jacket, and looked at him. "Brutus cheats....and he doesn't play nice." 

I nodded. "Thanks-" was all I could say before I found myself on the ground. I got up, and licked my bottom lip, tasting blood. I got into a fighting stance. "Bring it." I said, a smug grin on my face. Brutus attacked me with punches and high kicks.

I blocked and countered, but after about twenty minutes we were both bloody, and weak. I was more weak then him, so he had more of an advantage. In a minute I was on the ground, being beaten. I growled, and struggled to get up, but, was kicked in the ribs. I grunted in pain, and gasped for breath. Then I stopped moving.

Raven whimpered. "A-Alex?" I stayed unmoving, while Brutus pounded me. Finally he stood up, leaving my unmoving body on the ground. I waited until he turned his back to me, then struck. I grabbed the back of Brutus's shirt and wrenched him down to the concrete. "Don't turn your back on the opponent." I hissed in his ear. I suddenly got angry, and threw him to the ground. Not flinching as he threw up blood.

"Alex!" I was shaken from my killing trance by Raven calling my name. I looked up. My vison cleared and I saw Raven smiling. "I think you got him." I looked down, and saw Brutus unconscious. I sighed and stood up.

The boy I had saved, came up. "Thanks. He's done that to so many people." I grinned. "No problem." Raven and I kept walking toll we came to a dead end. "Oh, well. We came we tried." Raven turned to go. "Wait..." I observed the graffiti on the brick wall. Graffiti of a.....snake. But not just a normal snake. A viper.

My blue eyes narrowed. "Raven. I think I found it." She came to my side. "Found what?" I ran my finger along the spray painted black, and green horned viper. "The entrance to Viper Head Quarters." I looked for a button of some sort, but saw none.  So I put my hand on the cold stone, and closed my eyes. I heard, no felt the hollowness on the other side.

There had to be a door of some sort.....somewhere. I ran my hands all over the wall. Nothing. I growled softly, and stepped back, running a hand through my light brown hair. "Where are you." I muttered. Raven touched my shoulder. 

"Alex, you sure this is it?" I nodded. "It has to be...." Then an idea came to mind. where it came from, I have no idea, but it worked! I put my hand over the snake's gaping mouth, and whispered. "Weapon X." The wall began to tremble. It opened like a two door garage, and inside was the base of Viper, long seeked by X Force agents for years! 

I took a deep breath and walked in. Raven followed, and pulled me to the side, as troopers marched by. The door closed. "There goes our escape rout." Raven muttered. "Yeah. anyway, stick to the plan." We snuck to the weapon room and knocked out the troopers in there. I grabbed the trooper's jackets, and handed one to Raven. 

She took it, but looked at me. "We have no keys." I slipped on the jacket. It was a bit too big, but fit. I grinned at her. "Stick with me kid. I've got the key to every inch of this place." I pulled down my collar of my jacket to reveal a viper tattoo on my neck. "Got this when I was locked here a while ago." She nodded. I grabbed a M16 from the wall, and slipped a Glock 17 mm9 into my belt. I threw Raven a rifle, and we left the room, blending in with the other troopers.

This was going to be the biggest infiltration ever. I grinned. If my plan succeeded. This was going to save the world.

There you go, chapter 8 ENJOY!

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