Chapter 7

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Alex's P.O.V

I woke up still upside down. A trooper loosened my chains and I slid to the floor. The trooper picked me up and took me to my cell. "Alex? Alex!" I turned my head. It was Raven. "R-Raven?" "Shhh. don't talk. She was in my cell! Raven helped me up. "The blood should get back to your head soon." She said. My mind was woozy, and the only thought in my head was the one word I muttered. "R-Raph...." I leaned on the wall.

"Not...good.." I muttered. Raven sat next to me. "Alex, you need to focus. Focus." I tried to calm down and finally was able to think clearly. "Th-thanks Raven." I stood weakly. "Your welcome Alex. But uh..who is Raph?" I sighed. Just thinking of him made me sad. 

"R-Raph boyfriend....He's in new york allong with his family, and Casey." Raven sensed my sadness, and she hugged me. "Alex we will find a way out of this place. On way or another. We will find a way out of here."

I nodded. I needed to do it. Not just for my self, or Raph. But for Raven, and the other kids who were courageous and strong. I sighed and leaned back, putting my plan into thought. In the morning, I waited until the guard brought us food, when I struck. I kneed the trooper in the stomach. "Go!" I shouted. Raven ran out of the cell.

I followed her, and we sprinted down the halls. We ran through door after door. We finally reached the deck. We were still at sea, in the middle of nowhere. I looked around. No land in sight. Raven and I franticly looked around. "Leaving so soon?." I whipped around to see, VC, and Will.

"Stay back!" I threatened. "Or we'll jump!" Raven shot me a look. "Trust me." I whispered. she nodded. Will advanced slowly. "Jump, and you both are dead. You know that. You'll never know what happened to your brother, Alex." I flinched. 

"You'll never know why we used your 'brother'. Why we brainwashed him. And you Raven. You'll never live that jump, and never see your brother or father again. Never." Raven looked at me. I glared at Will.

I grabbed Raven's hand. "Raven, jump!" We jumped into the icy cold water. Pain filled me, and I franticly searched for Raven. I saw air bubbles, and dove deep into the water. I grabbed her by her shirt collar and hulled her up. She was getting heavy, and I was getting weaker from lack of breath.

I shifted to my wolf form, and took Raven's collar in my teeth. When I got to the surface, I shifted, and gasped for air. Raven was unconscious, and I saw no land near us. We were lost at sea. I started swimming in the direction of the scent of land. Hoping there was hope for us yet.

Raph's P.O.V

I was devastated. Alex is missing, and We rarely hear from Duke, and the others. I'm worried about Alex. Is she alive? I stay in my room lately. Leo is depressed, Donnie is not in his lab as much, and Mikey is stressed. 

I hate being so far away from her. I remember all our good times together, laughing and talking. It still makes me smile. But I long for the day when I come out of my room, and see her standing there, smiling. 

Alex's P.O.V

When I finally got to land, I found we were in Germany. I was exhausted. I lay on the shore, and caught my breath. Raven woke up, and coughed up water. "Raven! You ok?" I asked. She coughed once more, and looked at me. "We-We"re alive?" I nodded. "We are." She hugged me. "Yes!" I hugged back. "Come on. We should get going."

Raven and I walked into the crowded city, and looked around. It was a full, and was more Viper infested then Detroit. Raven and I walked through the streets trying to blend in. I caught sight of a trooper yanking a young boy from his mother. Anger rose in my chest, and I started over in their direction, but Raven pulled me back.

Her brown eyes bore into my bright blue ones. "We can't afford to be seen, Alex. We can't take that chance!" I ripped my arm away. "Do you want that boy to go through what we went through, or worse? I'm not letting that happen. Not when I'm alive." I ran at the trooper, catching him off guard, and shouldering his nose. 

Dropping the young boy, who scrambled to his crying mother, who gathered him into her arms, The trooper growled in pain, and tackled me, throwing punches to my face. I blocked, and kicked him off me. getting up, I was met with a kick to the jaw. I coughed blood, and struggled to get up. The trooper kicked me in the ribs, and I screamed in pain.

Another trooper came up and held me up by the arms while the other trooper kicked and punched me. I groaned, and shouted in pain. They finally let me fall to the concrete. I lay limp on the ground as the troopers walked off. Raven ran to my side. "Alex! Alex, speak to me, please!" I groaned. "R-rav." I let help me up. I looked at the boy and his mother.

I smiled. "You ok, Buddy" He nodded, and ran to me, hugging me. I hesitated before hugging him back. "Be a good boy, for mom ok?" He smiled. "I will." I let him go back to his mom. I smiled at them both before walking off with Raven.

She was pretty upset. "Your lucky there was only two troopers there." I shrugged, and popped my neck. "It was necessary." She stoped. "Necessary?! Alex, you just endangered both us, and the boy, and his mom!" I glared. "I had them! they had it coming, No harm done!" I stormed off with Raven following. I stopped at a payphone, and called Raph. 

When he answered my heart danced.

Raph's P.O.V

I was in my room crying into my pillow when my T-phone rang. The caller id said uknown so when I answered I got the surprise of my life. "Hello?" "R-Raph?" My heart stopped. I sat up. "A-Alex?" "Yeah its me, babe." "Are you ok? Where are you?" She laughed the laugh I rarely heard. "I'm at a payphone, trying to call, home. All of my change I spent on you. Where has the time gone baby it's all gone where are the plans we made for two?"

I chuckled. "I miss you, Lex." She sighed. "I miss you more Raphie." I growled playfully. "Hey. Don't call me that." She laughed softly. "I can call my boyfriend what ever I want." I laughed saddy, and happily. "So where are you" Alex sighed again. "I'm in Germany." I sighed. "Duke with ya?" "No we got separated in Detroit." 

I sat with my shell against the wall. "Its been over a month...I thought you were gone. I can't go on without you, Alex." "And I can't go on with out you Raph..But we need to save the world. I love you so much." I smiled. "I love you so much more, Alexis." I heard another voice on the other side. "Alex, we should get moving." 

Alex sighed. "OK, Raven. Raph?" "I'm still here, Alex." Tears stung my eyes. "Raph when I was captured, and felt so helpless, and weak.....I was scared Raph." 

I could hear her voice cracking. "I was scared that I would never come back to you...that I would have lied when I said I would come back..." I heard her whimper. "Alex...listen, I will never stop loving you. I know that you are strong, and you can make it...I believe in you."

 "I know. I have to go now Raph, but....I love you." I smiled, tears falling from my chin to the bed. "Ok, princess. See you when you come home. I love you too." The line went dead. 

Alex's P.O.V

I hung up, and sighed. Raven put a hand on my shoulder. "Its ok, Alex. We will make it back. You will see him again." I sighed, and wiped my face full of fresh tears. "I know what we do now, Raven." I said. "We go into Viper HQ, and blow it to pieces. I'll get you out in time. But I'm staying to destroy the place. "Alex you are not doing that!" Raven's voice got harsh. 

"I will not let you." I continued walking, hatred and pain in my icy blue eyes. "Yes you are. I'm going to kill Will. Then I'm gonna blow the place to hell." Raven looked at me then down, knowing she could'nt change my mind. 'I'm sorry Raph.' I thought. 'I'm sorry.'

And so goes another chapter. Hope you enjoyed it. Love you all. :)

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