Chapter 5

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Alex's P.O.V

Its been at least a week since I've been here. No food. No water. And the nights were cold. A trooper slipped me a sip of water once or twice, but other then that I was slowly dying. I sat on the floor, my back to the wall. I felt like a caged animal. The cell door opened. I didn't look up. "Hey, kid." I slowly lifted my head. A trooper stood there, gun in one hand, a bottle of water in the other. "Water. I'll bring your food later." I took the water and drank greedily. I poured the rest of the water over my head. "T-thanks." He nodded. "I hate to see someone tortured. Especially a kid. I handed him the bottle. "I'm 17." He chuckled a bit. "Yeah. But your still young." I grinned, then frowned. "So what does Will want me for?" 

He sat on the metal bed, and set his gun down. he trusted me. "Well, word is he hates you. Like a lot." I was confused. "but why me? I just joined the force a year ago." He shrugged. "Well all I know is that he seems to hate you with jealousy." Now I was really confused. "Why would he be jealous of me?" The trooper just shrugged. "No one knows. No one is brave enough to question him." That was understandable. Will was a killer. But so was I. The trooper brought my food, and left. I ate, and suddenly yelped as something cut my mouth. Tasting blood, I raised my hand to my mouth. It was blood! I dug in the food and found a small knife. I grinned. I was not alone. 

Duke's P.O.V

A week. That's how long its been. A week. Alex is most likely dead. or captured. Or worse. My phone rang. I picked up. "Hello?"  "Duke, that you?" Uh,oh. 'Raph.' I mouthed to the others. Jess gritted her teeth. "Yeah hey Raph. What's up?" I knew my voice was cracking and shaky. "Is Alex there with you guys? I called her dozens of times. And she's not picking up." Kylah looked down, fighting tears. "Raph.....there's something you need to know." His voice got a bit frantic. "What? Is she ok?" I sat down. "I-I don't know Raph. I-she...." I told him about getting attacked at the base, and her ordering her to leave her there and save everyone we could.

Raph's voice was so loud, I was sure it would wake the sleeping kids. "AND YOU LEFT HER?!" I tryed calming him down. "Raph-" "No! you left her to be killed! What kind of person are you?!" Kylah took the phone. 

Kylah's P.O.V

"R-Raph?" "Ky?" I sniffed. "Raph, we tried. She saved my life." He was crying. "Kylah....I'm sorry.." I tried to swallow the lump in my throat. "Raph she might be alive somewhere. Don't blame Duke. Its not his fault." "OK, Kylah. Promise me you'll look for her." I gripped the phone tighter. "I will Raph. I will." I knew Alex was strong. She wasn't dead she was alive. She had to be.

Alex's P.O.V

Three troopers came and 'escorted' me out to a room with one metal chair in it. "Nice and cozy." I  said sarcastic. I was forced into the chair and tied to it. Will and Viper Commander walked in. I grinned when I saw the pain Will was trying to hide behind his glare. "Hello Alex." Viper Commander greeted. I kept a straight face. The guards left. Leaving me tied to a chair with two major killers here to interrogate me. "So, I hear your something special." VP said. "Everyone is." I remark. "You are not real correct?" I stiffen. "Parker told you?" "Parker told me nothing. I know because I was there." He said in my ear.

My breathing became unsteady. "You were..there. the day-" "The day you were created." I was silently panicking, but I kept on a brave face. "You were never made to comfort the girl's poor brother. You were made as a-" He looked at me as if expecting an answer. "Weapon." I said the word just above a whisper. "Precisely. a weapon made to destroy the XForce." I growled. "Your lying. Jack is proof of-" "And who put those fake memories in both of your heads." I slumped. "So I never was meant as his sister...I was a weapon. And I chose not to chose your side." 

VP clasped his hands behind his back. "No you are a reject. A virus in a program. A genetic mistake." I fought the tears that forced their way down my face. "Your lying! Viper will never rule the world." Will struck me with the butt of his gun. Blood streamed from my mouth, dripping down my chin and neck and to the floor. "Watch your mouth, Reject." He spat. "Do not call me tha-" He struck my again. This time in the side of my head. 

I felt light headed. I looked up, a murderous look in my light blue eyes. "So why do you hat me so much, Will?" He growled. "Why do I hate you? Why do I hate you?!" You killed my father!" I shook my head. "No. I did't. Who the heck was your father?" Will snarled. His name was Oroku Saki." My mind whirled. "Sh-shredder, is your father?!" "Was. Until you killed him in cold blood." I laughed. "I killed him in cold blood? He killed millions! He killed my brother. my parents! He tryed to kill my boyfriend's family. The only family I have left. No. He is a cold blood killer." 

Will raised his arm, but Viper Commander grabbed his arm. "No Will. You wil have time to yell at her another time. For now. Get her back to her cell."

I know its short. I promise the next one will be longer. The winner for the Contest is Raph_Rocks01. So what character do you want added to the book? :)

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