Chapter 3

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Alex's P.O.V

The team and I went with Nathan to a large room big enough to fit 3 jets. A lot of kids were already there. More filed in by the minute. When they stopped moving there was at least forty or fifty kids. "Ok, is that everyone?" Nathan asked loudly. A chorus of agreement followed his question. "Ok, good. because we got good news, and bad news." "What's the bad news?!" A kid yelled. Nathan sighed. "We've lost another agent. Spencer is gone." All the kids looks down sadly. "But there is good news." they looked up hopefully. 

Nathan gestured to us. "We got our selves new allies. This is Alex, Duke, Jessica, Tony, and Kylah. They have supplies for us, and are willing to help us in our fight against Viper." Some kids looked happy, but most of them looked wary, and a bit angry. One kid who looked about 15 came up. "You let complete strangers in the base? What is wrong with you Nate?!" Nathan sighed. "Look Matt, we're not making any progress, and we need all the help we can get."

Matt still looked furious. "They could be Viper! We can't take that chance!" Jess stepped between them. "We're not Viper! Cool it." Matt poked her. "Yeah right. If your not with the enemy, then prove it!" I growled. "ok, back off pal, you got spunk but if we were Viper there would be Viper squadron all over here already." Matt growled. "That means nothing!" I was ready to punch him. But I still had one last thing to convince him. I pushed up my jacket sleeve to reveal tattoo. On my forearm was XF. One my bicep was a falcon with a arrow in its beak.

"Were not the bad guys. We work with an organisation called the XForce. Duke, Jess, Tony, Kylah and I are the last surviving agents. we'll help you." Matt looked at the others. They all showed their tattoos. They all but Kylah had the XF on their forearms. but like my falcon, Duke had a broken brick, Jess had an eagle, and Tony had an infection symbol on the're biceps.

Matt looked convinced. "hmm, ok. then why doesn't she have one?" He asked gesturing to Kylah who looked ready to bite his pointing finger. "She is new. she hasn't been in the force long enough to get her tats yet. Her father was in the force, and he was murdered by Viper when she was 9." Duke answered. "And even if she had been ready, she just joined, and every other agent, is either dead, or in the hands of Viper." Jess added. Kylah nodded her thanks. 

Matt went back to his place in the crowd of kids. "Ok, good. no other objections?" Nathan asked. No ons spoke. "Ok, any questions?" A hand went up. "Yes, Emily." A young girl of  14 stood out. "I have a question for them. I smiled. "Ok, hit us." She grinned shyly.  "You said you have supplies. What kind of supplies do you mean? Do you have food, or weapons?" I was impressed by her question. "Good question. Our aircraft has what we left, food, water, weapons, gadgets, and other supplies, like first aid stuff, and other stuff."  Emily nodded. "Ok, good. are you gonna bring us some?" I had to laugh a bit. "Yes, we will tonight is the plan." She smiled, then went back.

That night the team, and a few Rebels snuck out of the base, and towards the plane. We stayed out of sight of the surveillance cameras, which was hard. When we got to the plane the rebels gasped. "Whoa. this thing is huge!" Jerry said. Tony opened the hatch. "Yeah. Alex found it and fixed it up. Good as new now." 

We all went inside the aircraft and began collecting supplies we would need. I went to my bunk and picked up my backpack. I picked up my M16 that was leaning on the wall. I went to the bed, and picked up my dog tags. I stared at them for a good long while before putting it around my neck. I missed Jack so much.  I wanted my brother back. But I knew that was impossible. I had to move on. Not let the past distract my mission. And now my mission was to work with my team, and Nathan's to take down Viper. 

"Hey, Alex?" I turned to see Lynn leaning in the door way. "You got your stuff?" I nodded. "Yeah. you?" She held up a green backpack. "Yeah, I think we're ready." I nodded. "Good. I'll be there, just give me a sec." She smiled and nodded. "Sure." After she left, I sat on the bed. I went over the lasts few days.  Learning about Viper's plans. Leaving New York. Coming here. It was allot at once. But I was used to it by now. 

Suddenly I heard shouting coming from outside the jet. I ran out and saw an awful sight. Viper troops had found us, and were attacking. I grabbed a blaster and joined the fight. "Look out!" Jerry yelled as a Viper aimed at Lynn. She ducked, and Jerry shot him. The fight lasted for about 30 minutes. in the end no one was hurt. "That, was too close." Kylah said. "You lured them here!" Matt yelled. I put my gun at my hip. "No we didn't."

But he was still angry. "I still don't trust you guys. Expecally you." He pushed my shoulder. I glared at him. "Would you calm down!" I stot at him. "You expect me to calm down! When you almost got us killed?!" Duke stepped up. "Lets just get this stuff to the base." I slowly peeled my glare off of Matt. "Lets go." We walked back to the base in silence. When we got back, Matt pushed me into a room and locked the door. "Wha-" he punched me in the mouth. "Your Viper!" I got up, and wiped the blood from my mouth.

"Your crazy. we need to work together to-"  "No! I dont believe you! Your lying." He threw punches at me, and I blocked. "Look Matt, get that junk out of your head!" He stopped and got in my face. "One move out of line, Rodgers. And I swear, I will kill you." His glare should have scared me. But it didn't. I shoved him out of my way and left the room. I knew I was making an enemy with the allies. This was not right. then a scream sounded. I ran into the mess hall to see Viper everywhere. "How did they find us?" I guy yelled. A girl was cornered and shot. My eyes widened. "" Nathan pulled me into a hallway, and shook my shoulders. "How do they keep finding us?! Ever since you arrived, they've been showing up! Is it you?" 

I stood there frozen in fear and shock. was it me? More screaming was heard. what was I going to do? For the first time in my life. My mind drew a blank. 

There you go. The third chappy. Hope you like it! :)

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