Chapter 6

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Alex's P.O.V

As the troopers pulled me back to my cell, we passed another girl around my age being dragged past us. she was had dark brown hair. brown eyes, and narrowed eyebrows that gave away her rebellious streak. She  struggled and put up quite a fight against the troopers holding her. She turned and looked at me. We locked eyes, and I nodded. She looked at me with a look of shock, and sympathy as she saw the blood flowing from my mouth and head. "I'm fine." I mouthed, before being jerked away.

I wondered who that girl was. And why she was here. I quickly forgot her as I was thrown into the cell. "Night, Kid." The trooper said before closing the door. I sat on the floor and put my head against the wall. I heard muffled sniffling. I put my ear to the wall. It was sniffling! I took the knife I had been slipped, and slipped it into the space between the blocks of the wall, and used it as a lever. The block moved, and I pulled it out. 

The block wasn't that big, but big enough for me to fit my head into the other cell. It was the girl. She looked up at hearing the block moved out of of place. "Hey." I whispered. She moved closer. "Hi." I took a beep breath so my voice wouldn't crack. "You ok." She shook her head. "What's your name?" I asked. The girl looked up, a hopeful look in her brown eyes. "I'm Raven. Raven Jones" I smiled. "I'm Alex Rodgers. And did you say Jones? as in Casey Jones?"

Raven brightened a little. "You know my brother?" I nodded. "Is he alive?" I nodded again. "He's ok." She sighed. "So why are you here?" I asked her. "Well, I kind of am.....different. And Viper wants that." I looked at the cell door then back at her. "What do you mean different?" She hugged her knees. "You'l think I'm a freak." I leaned my arms in the ledge. "No I wont." She sighed, and put her hand up. Fire ignited over it. 

My eyes went wide. "wh-what? your a mutant?" She nodded. "Kraang." I nodded. "They got me too." Raven looked at me. "They did?" I nodded. "I got speed, and flight." And....I had fire from before." She smiled a little. "wow." She breathed. "So how'd you get here?" I sighed. "I saved my team, and sent them off without me. And Will wants me dead." She looked amazed. "How long have you been here?" "About two weeks." Her face went from amazement to disbelief. "How have you survived?" I shrugged. "I'm tough I guess. It comes from living in action all the time."

She nodded. "I ran away from home....Viper found me. thought I was 'useful' so they brought me here." I nodded. "same. I-" I was about to tell her I was a weapon but decided against it. "You what?" I sighed. "Nothing Just.....keep strong, and brave. not all the troopers are bad." She glared. "They shot my friends..they are bad!" Raven was close to tears. "Look. I know. I know one or two who are good guys." Raven still didn't look convinced.  I heard approaching footsteps. "I gotta go. But I'll talk to you later Raven." She smiled a little. "Ok. Where are they taking you?" I looked down. "You'll know when I get back." 

I put the block back in place, and hid the knife. Troopers opened the door, and led me out, and to another cell. "Another night full of torture." I muttered. Every night, I would be tortured by Will. Every night he would demand the location of my team and family. Every night I would say nothing. Every night I was beaten. but I stood strong. This night was strangely different though. I was taken to a room with a chair on each side of a table, kind of like the one I was interrogated in.

I was forced in the chair, and my wrists were strapped to the table. Will entered the room, pulling a rolling table. I couldn't see what was on it, But I knew from the smirk on Will's face it was something bad. Will sat in the chair opposite me, and pulled a straight face. "Different plans tonight, Alex. Or should I say Weapon X." I wanted to strangle him. Yell that was not my name. But I kept a straight face, and said nothing.

"You know," Will started, leaning back. Obviously getting comfortable. "We could get this all over easily. Tell me where the others are, you apologise. and you can go free. That simple." But I knew better. Once he knew. He would kill them, and me also. I leaned forward. "I'm not telling you anything. And I'll have you know If ever apologise, I don't mean a word of it. Not. One. Word." I wasn't even glaring but my words were harsh enough.

Will just reached up on top of the cart, and picked up a small jar. He placed it on the table. Then took a small paring knife from off the cart. "This is a concoction I forget the name of." He said turning the jar in his hand. "It basicly takes away pain for about an hour. And then all the pain you thought you would never feel comes in waves." I looked at the jar then at the knife. Will caught me staring at the knife. "Frightening isn't it?" I huffed. "Nah. I've seen a bigger knife. And pain? I've felt pain so unbearable, you wouldn't be able to live through it." He laughed.

"My father is dead, killed by you. that's pain you'll never know." I had to chuckle. "Your father killed my parents, my brother. He tried to kill me." "Enough!" Will said. He dipped the knife into the jar and pushed the bled to the handle in the inside of my wrist. I felt nothing, and breathed out. "I'll be back in an hour." Will left. I stayed in the room. I looked for a way of escape, but saw non. After a long while I started feeling a severing pain in my wrist. I whimpered a bit.

The door opened and Will came back. I held back my whimpers, and moans. I kept a straight face as Will sat back down. "Well?" I managed a fake smile. "Well this is a nice way to ask a girl out." I said sarcasticly. But unfortunately as I said the last part, my voice wavered due to pain. "You feel it." Will said smirking. "Good. You mind telling me something?"

 I growled, and kicked him under the desk. For some reason, my bonds went slack, and I jumped up, taking Will's head and bashing it against the table. But he got up, and attacked me. I ripped the knife from my wrist, and dodged his punches. the door opened and VP, with several troopers ran in. I kicked Will in the chest, before I was round-house kicked in the face, by him. I fell to the ground, and turned, looking up. "Alex!" Raven was being held back by a trooper. 

Will and Viper Commander stood over me. "Do you have something you want to say to Will?" VC asked. I looked at Raven. She looked at me, with fear, and sadness in her eyes. I looked up at Will. "Yes." I said. "If I ever find out you've hurt my family or friends in any way, I will kill you with my bare hands." 

VC  handed A gun to Will. "To bad you wont live that long." Will pointed the gun at me, and smirked, as I lay on the floor glaring at him, blood running from my mouth. 

I waited for the gun shot but it didn't come. Will lowered his gun. "this-this isn't right....she's not sorry." VC took the gun back. "Oh, well. We'll make sure she has a good night sleep." He said smirking. Raven looked at me, clearly scared what would happen. 

She was dragged away, and I was led to a cell and was chained upside down on the wall. The blood started rushing to my head. I groaned, as I experienced the headache of a life time. I was slowly falling into unconsciousness. 

I struggled to stay awake, but the pain and drowsiness took over. My eyes closed,  and everything went black.


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