Chapter 9

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Duke's P.O.V

Fighting a war that includes losing the love of your life, and getting yelled at by her boy friend was bad enough. Then being in charge, and losing most of the recruits. Getting yelled at a impulsive 13 year old, and almost getting killed, was just as bad. Now being in a jet that is barrelling towards the ground at 200 miles an hour is the worst of all!

Kylah tried desperately to get the plane under control, but it wasn't working. "Ashley! what's our status?!" I shouted over the groaning of the engine. The 18 year old looked up with fear. "No fuel, left wing on fire, we're being shot at by Viper, and we're falling to our deaths!" I nodded.

This could't get much worse. Then another missile hit the tail. Dang! Had to jinx it didn't I? "Brace yourselves!" Jessica shouted. It was a jarring pain that shot though my body, as we crashed to the ground. I struggled to stand with a head-splitting headache. 

"E-everyone ok?" All six nodded. "Ok, good." I sighed and opened the door. We walked out, and dove for cover as the plane was demolished. "There goes our escape rout." Tony muttered.

 I pushed some leaves out of the way and saw we were in Paris. "Great!" I fumed. "No where near Germany, and we lost our ride!" I dropped to a boulder with frustration. 

Kylah put her hand on my shoulder. "Duke." I looked up at her. Her once perfect face was rippled with scars. I sighed. She had been through so much. We all have. And now we're lost. No way to get to our destination.

Alex's P.O.V

Raven and I blended in well with the troopers. I took the name Riley Grenshaw. Raven took the name Hannah Jeffrey. It worked. We were in! But we couldn't stick together all the time. We were separated for the week, to not be figured out. I saw her once in a while. But not all the time. I lay awake at night thinking about if she was ok.

And when I heard a scream one night, I jumped off my bed, and started to sob. I opened my door, and saw nothing. I sighed and went back to bed. Next morning was an execution. We all filed into the room of consequence. 

Two troopers walked in, hulling a young man in. "Let me go! What did I do?!" He shouted, his eyes wide with fear. "You have disobeyed the new rules." The man was thrown to the floor. "I helped my wife from being shot! Is that so wrong?!"

I watched until my 'name' was called. "Riley. Get up here." I walked up. "What you what?" the trooper pointed at the trembling man. "Shoot him." Inside I froze up. Kill an innocent? Out of the question. But I had to remain under cover.

I pulled my gun from my shoulder, and pointed it at the man. "P-Please...No! Dont!" I glared, fighting with myself. "I'm sorry." I whispered, Before shooting. The man went limp, blood running from his chest. Raven looked away. "Good. Now get him out of here."

I dragged him out to the street. "Get up." I demanded. He stood up shakily. "Get." He stared at me. "You saved me-" "Just go!" I nodded and ran off.

I ran back into the compound, and was met with a trooper, pushing my shoulder. "Watch where your going, runt." He growled. "Runt? Seen a mirror lately?" He stopped. "What was that?" I kept a straight face. "Just saying that your hight is nothing to be ashamed of." 

He was at least a inch shorter then me. But had way more muscles. He threw a punch at my face, but I dodged. I swept his legs from under him. He fell with a thud, and when he got up, I was already gone. I sighed, and went on patrol around the city.

Everyone looked at me with fear and hatred. A girl cowered behind her mother's arms. A boy tripped on his shoe laces, and two older boy began pounding him. I growled and drove them off. "You ok?" He swatted my hand away.

I saw anger, pain, and hate in his grey eyes. "When Viper is gone ask me that again." He stomped off. I sighed and continued on my way. A lone dog ran through the ally. I sighed at all the ciaos in the city. There would be more I was sure. But what happened next was not at all what I had expected.

Hey there my faithful readers. Here is the 9th chapter in the book. Hope you all enjoyed it. And tell me what you want to happen next. :)

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