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You're silhouette outlined my body.
My mind like petals on a flower playing the game "he loves me, he loves me not!"
The linger of you're essence on me like stale bread.
The touch of you're hands sweet like ice cream, but also wondering like a lost dog who can't find his home.
My mind races like a dog chasing after a stick.
My head confusing like the box of cereal that you thought had a toy, but in reality you have to send in 10 box tops.
You're words can sting like razor blades.
Lack of judgment like turning when the destination was just beyond that patch of trees.
Eyes like waterfalls.
A heart like an orchestra beautiful,because there's so much to deceiver inside of it.

A note from the poet:
I hope you enjoyed this one. All of these are inspired my own life and I decided to write them out in verse. I hope you enjoy them sweethearts! Have a lovely day/night and stay strong !

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