Love yourself. Take care of yourself. Just breathe count to 10 slowly. Tap you're fingers simultaneously against you're desk or leg or anywhere to relieve anxiety practice these things everyday and it will become natural to do this during an anxiety or panic attack. It will help relieve and make it a little easier on you and hopefully you will feel less of like a prisoner in your own mind.
~E.M.Ca note from the poet/writer:
I know this isn't really a poem but this is something I learned from my therapist and sometimes it really helps :) I hope this helps and works Love , Emily
Hurt Beyond Repair.
PoetryHurt and frightened and no where to turn except for my journal. Curse words being streamed at me and you would have thought I had a father for a sailor. ~E.M.C Many poems focusing on the subject of Mental Illness, that many suffer with and the su...