You are a Warrior.

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I'm at that point again
Pure defeat
Where I throw my hands down
Where the tears stream fully
There's no stopping
Where there's no holding back
Were I'm at the point of saying,
I can no longer do this
There's no longer a point for this
But there is a point it's truly not pointless.
There's more smiles to be had
Throw those hands back up
Wipe those tears
Keep going
Don't stop
Scream on mountain tops
You are fearless
You are a warrior
Your battle is not over
So scream
So cry
But your fight isn't over yet
So get up!
Face the day
Face the day even if you can't smile
Face the day even if your exhausted
Show this world
Show the people around you
That, you are a strong human being
And don't doubt yourself for one minute
Because you have fought battles
You have tossed your hands in defeat
You've let yourself cry
You owe yourself one
Face the day
Be fearless even if it just means going to school or saying hello to just one person!
You got this
Don't mistake yourself for something puny.
You are strong
You are worthy of this life.
Don't let others tell you different and
If they try to tell you differently
Tell them it's not that simple.
They don't know you
They don't know what you've been through.
Be you
Face everyday
Face everyday even if you can't smile.

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