But that's okay.

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My poetry may never hit the viral list and that's okay.
My poetry my never be published on real paper and sent out, that's okay too.
As long as I can touch the hearts of many, even just a few.
As long as I can let people know they aren't alone in this world and that there's others feeling the same way and that it's okay to have feelings.
It's okay to be depressed.
It's okay to be anxious.
It's all okay, just please don't give up. You just have to remember you aren't alone in this mess.
I'm here maybe not physically but on the emotional level I am.
I've been down on the ground too many times I couldn't count.
There's even more times where I've been at rock bottom crawling and tumbling farther.
You aren't alone.
There's times where I can't get out of bed let alone get dressed but on those days I just have to remember I can't beat myself up over this I have to take it easy even though things are getting hard I can't hurt or be mean to myself because of this.
I'm a very emotional person .
I've been in the nurses office at school having anxiety and panic attacks and being sent home sometimes day after day.
The nurse looked at me one day and said "you can't be hard on yourself for this and you can't beat yourself down over this." She told me how she had depression and anxiety and she told me how she needed to be gentle with herself especially on the bad days and you just can't beat yourself up over it.
You aren't alone.
May I take your hand and sit with you and tell you about the stars and get your mind off of those problems? Because darling I promise you aren't alone and someone will be there for you.

A note from the poet: I feel I told a lot about me and my life in this poem or whatever I shall call it. But give feedback? I don't know if it's helpful or not but I would like it to be (:
Love , Emily  aka dejectedpoetry

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