Puppet Master.

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Sitting on a chair high above
String hanging down
Attached is some wood with me on it 
You controlling me
Me doing whatever you command
I'm aimless
Just acting on impulses
Just moving when told
Stop when told
A Stop and go person like the game you played as a kid red light green light.
It's red, I always feel like I want to stay where I am, I'm aimless, no motivation.
It's hard when it's all stop and go.
Anxiety ridden days when in all over the place
Depression where I can hardly motivate myself to leave bed that day
Then there's the days filled with both and there's no easy medium, I'm all over the place I can't not do nothing because then I would fail but then again there seems to be no point.
Anxiety and depression seem to be my puppet masters, I'm their puppet.

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