Repeating myself.

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I have to remind myself to take my medicine so I can cope a little better through out the day.
The medicine isn't fast acting and hell sometimes it doesn't even work.
I always have to repeat to myself that I'm not alone in this world.
I know it's hard to believe that you aren't alone in this lonely world but, if you reach out you might just meet someone who can help you turn each other's in the right direction and get going on the right path.
Being happy won't always be included but sometimes there will be an unlimited supply of happiness and I think after all this sorrow it would be good to stay for the days that will be filled with unlimited happiness.

A note from the poet: I hope you all like my poems and feel free to comment  going to head to bed. Goodnight/ good morning to everyone who reads this! Live Emily aka dejectedpoetry
(By the way it's 11:55 pm here so almost midnight a fresh start to a new day and we can only hope for the best for everyone!) ps; please be kind to people you see or pass in the halls and maybe give strangers smiles because this world is filled with so much headaches I think we could all use some smiles once in awhile :) okay now goodnight! Love , Emily aka dejectedpoetry    <3

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