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Love is something to be described of what you have with that person
It's not about the sex
It's not all about how they treat you when your out and about, when your with others.
It's how they treat you behind closed doors, when nobody's watching
It's like people seeing the good but nobody seeing the bruises under the shirt or the twisted wrist behind your back.
The twists and turns of an abusive and emotionally abusive relationship.
All of the goods turn into bads by the first "it'll never happen again."
Because it will, it will happen again, it will happen on the drunk nights, the nights were he's furious coming home, the nights where he swears he's not drunk but you can smell the alcohol under his musky breathe.
The smashed walls and broken things will happen, there will be broken promises, beds that won't be made because what's the point of coming home to a nice bed if everything else is already messed up.
There might be some nice days where things seem hopeful and the little girl inside of you will say "it's still shit and this is just covering up the bad." You'll move past the little girl inside of you enjoy what little good there is on the relationship and after that it will go right back to the "It will never happen again." It happens again every time, every single time. Don't believe them when they say it won't happen again, they're lying every single time.
Things won't always be alright,
You need to take care of yourself
Think of yourself and get out of that relationship.
Don't sacrifice your self worth and mental health for a unhealthy relationship and someone unhealthy for you.
You are important, you are worthy of a better self and better life and a better relationship.

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