Sometimes life will hurt.

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I have a headache, the tension makes me feel like I'll explode.
Today is another morning where I'm to sad to get out of bed, my anxiety is ripping through me yelling "get up get up if you don't get out of bed you'll surely fail and things won't ever go right." My depression slowly whispers but still takes ahold of me saying "your much to comfortable here and what's the point of getting out of bed if you'll just fail and nobody would actually care to see your face anyways."
So I turn over to try fall asleep again but my depression and anxiety are right behind my eyes telling me I can't shut them because we need you awake so we can help you remember all of the terrible things you've done and the mistakes you've made even the ones when you were a child.
Like the day when I was five putting away the plates in a tall cupboard and I dropped them and they shattered and I remember my momma being asleep and then my papa yelling at me for something I had no control over.

A note from the poet:
Things are tough and life is hard but you can make it through this all
of you so don't fret or worry better
and brighter happier things are in store for you so don't make a permanent solution on your life.
Keep on living and breathing even though somedays it's harder than others soon enough it will get better maybe not today or tomorrow or anytime soon you just have to wait it out. Love,  dejectedpoetry

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