Chapter 1_Christmas and Presents

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*Polly's POV*

Oh my God ! Only 5 days left for Christmas and i still haven't baught a present for Niall...i'm such a good best-friend(note the sarcasm).Oh,i forgot...let me introduce myself first!My name is Polly Anne Smith ! I'm from Mullingar Westmeath Ireland ! I live with my parents and mi little sister Bessy ! I'm 16 years old and my best-friend is Niall James Horan ! I love him sooo much(in a friendly way) !

I'm in my room thinking about what to buy for Niall.Hmm maybe i should get him shoes?No,too typical...Maybe,a guitar case ? YES ! That's it ! A guitar case ! He's gonna love it ! Now the only thing i have to do is  go to the Mall !

-After 2 Hours-

It's so perfect ! I'm soo excited ! He's gonna love it !

Last year i got him a set of strings for his guitar as he was always complaining about how they needed to be replaced.Now i think he's gonna be so delighted with the guitar case !

After a while i got bored so i found myself dialing Niall's number.

*Ring*  *Ring* *Ring*

C'mon Niall...pick up...

"Hey baby ! "The all-too familiar irish accent responded.

"Hey Nialler!What's up?"I said blushing.I always secretely loved how he called me baby or love !

"Nothing really.I'm bored.Can I come over?"He asked

"Of course Niall !"I said a little too excitedly

"Be there in 5"He said and hung up!

Five minutes hadn't even passed and i heard a knock on my bedroom door ... well i should expect this as his house is right next to mine ! As i was about to turn the door knob it swung open revealing a very excited Niall!

"Hello Nialler"I said smiling

"Hey Pol"He said hugging me tightly and using the nickname he gave me.Actualy it's only him calling me that...that's why i love it !

"Niall?No stop !"I said trying to hold back my giggles as he started tickling me

"Nah , don't think so.."He said laughing

"N-Niall,please s-stop it !"I tried to say but i doubt he understood a word I said.I was laughing way too hard.

"I don't know..maybe ,if you give me a kiss?"He said cheekily.That bastard

"Okay,okay!Fine just stop it !"I said panting to catch my breath.

He stopped and smiled at me.I leaned up and when he thought i'd kiss him on the mouth my lips found his cheek.I laughed and walked over to the DVD racks trying to decide what to watch.After a while my eyes found the best movie ever.  TWILIGHT . Yayyyyy !!!

I showed my choice to Niall and he groaned rolling his eyes playfully.

"Oh come on ! Pweaseee !"I cooed climbing on the bed where he was sitting giving him my best puppy dog eyes .

"Fine."He said trying to suppress a smile . I smiled and jumped up to put the movie in the DVD player.

-1 hour later-

The movie had ended about ten minutes ago and now we are laying on my bed talking about nothing

"Uhm,Polly ... i have something to tell you"he said nervously.

"Yeah,what is it?"i said not really paying attention as i was admiring his lips.Oh God help me.

"I'm auditioning for X-Factor ! "he said waiting for my reaction.

"Oh my God Niall ! This is amazing ! I'm sooo proud of you !"I said hugging him and smiling like an idiot.I really was proud of him !

"And you're not mad at me?"He asked.

"No Niall.why would i be mad at you anyway?"i asked him really confused.

"Cause you know , i will be there for nearly 10 weeks and you will be all alone here and-"

"No Niall,you have to go because you have talent and you really worth it and i will be really fine here! Don't worry about me long as you promise to call me !"I said smiling.How sweet of him to think like that.But seriously,even though he is the only friend i have i will be really fine knowing he is living his dream.

"Of course love."He said hugging me and smiling really wide.

-Christmas Day-

Okay so,I was walking down the sidewalk heading to Niall's house.We were going to my grandparents so I had to give him his present now.I just hope he's not asleep.I knoecked on his door and his brother,Greg,opened it and greeted me with a hug.My assumptions were proven right as when i walked up the stairs and in Niall's room i found him asleep.Well,seems like I'll have to wake him up then.I have done it before and it was fun.As i am about to shake him, he starts talking nonsense.When suddenly he said something that caught my attention.

"No,please.I love you.Don't do that to me..."he said as he started stirring in his sleep.Wait.What?He's in love?With who?And why am i feeling jealous?I shake that thought away and focus on my mission .

"Wake up my little snoflake.It's Christmas !"I said sweetely in his ear shaking his shouldier a bit .He started waking up and when he saw me his eyes widen.

"P-Polly?what are you doing here?"He asked shocked.why is he shocked?

"Well,i came here to give you your present because it's CHRISTMAS !"I said yelling the last part.He smiled with his adorable smile.

"Really?Merry Christmas Polly ! " He said smiling really wide while hugging me.

"Merry Christmas to you too Nialler"I said hugging him back.Then i gave him his gift and he was really shocked.

"W-What is this?"He asked really shocked.

"What does it look like?!"I said giggling at his shocked expresion.

"Oh my God Polly! You are the best !"He said smiling really wide and hugging me really tight !Then we ate lunch and spent the day with our families together.It was the best Christmas so far !


Hey guys!This is my first fanfic and i really hope you like it.Sorry if it sucks but it's only the first chapter.It's going to get better soon.I promise ! Sooo please vote and comment letting me know what you think about it ! Also,it is under mjor editing so sometings may not make much sense just yet.Love youu ♥

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