Chapter 4_Nando's,New friends and Luke?

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*Polly's POV*

Today Niall asked,no actually begged us,to go to Nando's and of course i couldn't say no bacause ,at that point ,i have to inform you that i have the same appetite with Niall.Don't blame me.

I just got out of shower.Hmm.What to wear?What to wear?Ugh...i hate those times that you have to decide what to wear out of hundrends of clothes.

Yes!That's it.This dress is absolutely perfect.It's a floral dress and it's absolutely gorgeous.With those heels will be perfect.Oh and don't forget that bracelet.Yep,just perfect !

I look at the clock and it's time to go.I'm walking down the stairs when i hear a knock on the door.I guess the boys are here then ! I open the door and i see five boys infront of me with their eyes wide and their mouths open.Am i that bad??

"Guys are you okay?" I asked holding back my laughter.Their faces were absolutely hilarious.They didn't say anything nor did they move.They just stood there in shock.Seriously now.Am i that bad?Right then Niall decided to break the silence.Thank Nutella Gods.

"You-you look amazing"He shuttered still shocked.The others just nodded .They couldn't speak.

"Uhm,thanks.You too ! "I said closing the door and locking it.They again didn't move.We have to leave you know ,boys !

"Uhm are we going to stay here all day?"I asked smirking.

"Ermm,yeah,right.Let's go"Liam said as the responsible one.But he really is Daddy Direction.He deserves that name.

We walked to Nando's as it wasn't far from my house.We talked and laughed on the way there just because Louis was with us.Seriously ,that kid is something else.He is absolutely hilarious.He is really fun to be around.

We are finally here and we just gave our orders.And of course Niall and I ordered almost the whole menu.The others were kinda shocked.They didn't know about my appetite.Ha.They don't know a lot of things about me.

Our food came and even though me and Niall had much more food than the others we finished first.Me and Niall,started talking a little while waiting for the others to finish.I swear,they are taking ages to eat their food.

When the other lads were done ,we walked out of Nando's and just walked around for a while.

"What do you wanna do now guys?"I asked them kinda bored.

"Let's go to the park ! "Zayn said excited.This boy is totally mysterious.He doesn't talk much but gets soo excited to go to the park?Okay.

"Let's go then "I said smiling.We headed to the park and sat down in a circle.

"What now?"I asked bored again.

"LET'S PLAY TRUTH OR DARE ! "Louis screamed excitedly.This kid is absolutely crazy,i swear.

"Uhm i don't know guys..."I said cautious.I seriously don't know.This game can go way too far if Louis is playing.

"Oh come on.Pleaseeee"All of them said in unison making puppy dog faces.How can i say no to this?

"Okay,okay.Fine"I said and they cheered like five year-old boys at a theme park.

"Okay.Since i had the idea i'm going first."Louis said smirking at me.Uh oh.This is not  good.

"Polly.Truth or Dare?"He asked winking.This is creepy.

"Uhm,Truth."I said avoiding any unpleasant Dare.

"Oh c'mon.You're boring."Louis exclaimed.

"Fine.Dare.But if it's something dirty you are dead.Seriously."I said making a serious and scary face.

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