Chapter 20_Management

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(A/N : Ok,so this chapter is dadicated to @stargurl48  because i wanna thank her for all of her support ,for reading my story and for the shout out she did for my story.You HAVE TO read her fanfic The Dare .It's a Marcel fanfiction and it's great !

Enjoy xx :*



*Polly's POV*

We were sitting on the couch watching The Notebook with Niall.I moved in with the boys almost two weeks ago and it's been great since then.

I was cuddled into his chest when his phone rang.

"Hello?Yes.Alright.Okay.Thank you sir.Bye"He said and hang up as he sighed.

"Who was it?"I asked quietly.

"Management.They want to talk to us tomorrow morning."He said.

"Oh,okay."That was all i could say.

I'm wondering.What do they want?I can't help but think about the worse.Maybe they want us to break up.I don't wanna break up with Niall.He's my world but if it's for the best then i'll have to think about it.


We knocked on the door and a rough voice answered.

"Come in."They said and Niall squeezed my hand as he opened the door.The man got up and greeted us.We sat down and he started talking.

"So guys,how long have you been together?"He asked and Niall answered.

"Seven months.It's been a month since i announced it."He said and Fill nodded.That's his name or that's what he told us anyways.

"Okay,so i'll just say it fast okay?"He asked and we nodded.

"I want you two to break up."He said with no emotion in his voice.

"Why?"Niall asked quietly.

"Because she's getting too much hate and your popularty numbers are really low.You can't keep doing this guys.You have to break up .Sorry"He said not so sorry himself.

"No"Me and Niall said in unison.

"I'm not asking you guys.This is not a question.It's a statement.You are breaking up.End of conversation."He said and Niall got up as angry as ever.

"We won't break up.Never.You can't make us do this.No."He said and i got up with him and he put his hand on my waist to comfort me.

"I can hook you up with someone else if you want.Justin Bieber for you Polly and Selena Gomez for you Niall?"He said and i looked at him shocked.How can he be so heartless?!

"What are you talking about.We won't do it."I said and he looked at me.

"Yes you will.Or else..."He said with a smirk.Oh how much i want to punch that smirk off of his face.

"Or else what?"Niall growled.

"Or else,you're leaving the band."He said still smirking.Me and Niall stood there for a couple of minutes trying to take in what he just said.

Niall grabbed my hand before saying this sentence"Then i'm leaving the band.I'm not gonna lose the love of my life because of this shit."And with that he dragged me out of the office.

"You can't just leave like that.We have a contract."Fill yelled as we walked away.

"Oh yeah?Watch me."Niall said and we got out of the building.

We got in the car and he drove in silence.

"I'm sorry."I said

"Why?It's not you're fault baby.He's just being a dick"He said as he looked at me in the eyes.

"But it is,isn't it?If i wasn't your girlfriend your popularity would be much higher."I said quietly.

He sighed and pulled over in a parking lot.He stoped the car and turned around to face me.

"It is not you're fault.Stop saying that all the time.I'm with you because i love you.I don't care about my popularity.I care about you.And i won't break up with you."He said as he took hold of my hand.

"But Niall,you can't quit the band."He said seriously.

"Don't worry baby.They won't let me.They will let us be together because they don't want me to leave,cause if i leave One Direction is over.If any of us leave we can't be the same.And they don't want that to happen.So they'll have to let us be."He said with a smirk and i smiled.

"Okay."I said and kissed him softly on the lips.

He started driving again and after five minutes we were at the house.

We got in and the boys' head turned to look at us.We've told them about the meeting and they were obviously curious to hear what happened.

"So?"Harry asked

"They told us to break up or i'll have to leave the band and i told them i'd rather leave the band."He said as we sat on the couch.The boys gasped and looked at Niall and then me and back to Niall with wide eyes.

"Relax boys.They won't let me leave.They know that if i quit One Direction is over.So they'll hve to agree and let us live our life."Niall said and all the boys sighed with relief.

"You're right.They can't let you quit."Liam said and the others nodded.

We later ate dinner and went to bed.

I got under the covers and cuddled closer to Niall.He kissed my forehead and then my nose and then my lips as i giggled.

"I love you."He said looking into my eyes.

I kissed him before saying"I love you too baby"

And with that we slept in peace.


Hey ! First thing i want to say...


Okay,so i hope you liked this chapter and i can't believe it's 20th chapter already.Just like Niall's bday..LOL

And i wanna thank you for the 790 reads!It means the world to me .Thank you ! And if you want a dedication don't hesitate to ask.

Love you

Bye xx !


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