Chapter 21_Heartbreak

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(A/N Please don't hate me after this)  


-Five Days Later-

*Polly's POV* 

Okay.Something is clearly wrong.I can't understand why he's acting like that.He's so distant lately.You're probably confused.Well,let me just tell you that Niall has been acting weird.He just isn't himself anymore and the boys have noticed too.I don't know what's going on but once he gets home we have some serious talk to do.

Lately,he's out all day and when he is home he's very distant.When i look into his eyes i see sadness,guilt and regret?I don't know,i'm so confused and i'm just afraid about our relationship.

We just got over the thing with Management and now this?I just don't want to lose him.

I  went in the kitchen to grab a glass of water.I went to the living room andsat on the couch sighing heavily.I turned the TV on and watched a crappy movie.The boys were in their rooms so i was in peace.Untill i made the mistake to change the channel .

"One Direction's Niall Horan was seen kissing a girl who isn't his beloved girlfriend Polly Smith."

The glass slipped from my hand and fell on the floor with a loud thumb breaking into a million peaces just like my heart right now.I could basicly hear the cracking of my heart in my ears.My head started pounding as my hands started trembling.

I didn't realise i was crying since a sob escaped my mouth.

I blinked and looked at the TV again and saw a photo of Niall and some girl.My heart broke even more and i started crying uncontrollably.

The boys came running down the stairs and in the living room.

"What happened?"Louis asked.

"We heard a loud thumb.Did you break something?"Liam asked .

I started crying harder and they all hugged me.After what seemed like ages i could breath normally again but the tears didn't stop.

"Will you tell us what happened and why did you break that glass?"Harry asked in a soft voice.

"Niall.H-he cheated o-on me."I managed to choke out and started sobbing again.He promised he'd never hurt me like my exes did.

"No way !"They all exclaimed

"Well,check twitter.It's all over the internet."I said calmly as i got up from the couch and locked myself in my room.

After about two minutes the boys were knocking on my door.I simply ingored them and continued crying.After about an hour of sobbing i fell asleep.


I got up from my bed and checked the time. 7:30 am. Wow.Did i sleep that much?I fell asleep almost 8:00 pm last night.

I unlocked my door and made my way to the kitchen.I didn't feel like eating so i drank some water.

I feel like crap.I have this huge weight on my chest and it's hard to breath.I feel like crying again but i think i'm out of tears.I would go to my house but my parents are on vacation and my sister is staying over at her friend's.Which means i'll have to deal with him every day from now on.

I decided to go to my room again.As i was walking diwn the corridor i bumped into someone.I looked up and met those sparkling bleu eyes.I ingored him and walked past him and in my room.I locked the door once i was in as i heard him comming after me.He started knocking on the door but i ingored him walking out to my balcony.I sat on a chair and let the cool air hit my face.

I sat there for what seemed like minutes,but in reality it was two hours, thinking about my life.About how broken i am right now.About the possible reasons why Niall did what he did.Wasn't i good enough?Probably i wasn't but he could just tell me and break up with me.He didn't have to cheat on me with that chick.

I decided to eat something since i hadn't ate from yesterday.I opened my door quietly and walked downstairs.They were all in the kitchen and i ignored them completely as i grabbed an apple and headed to my room.Before i could reach the stairs Niall grabbed my wrist and turned me around to face him.The others were watching without saying a word.I looked at him and saw saddness and guilt in his eyes.

"Is something wrong?"He asked me looking into my eyes.Tears were about to fall so i turned around and walked in my room collapsing on my bed as i started sobbing.

Someone came and hugged me rubbing my back and that's when i realised i didn't close the door.Crap.

I didn't bother to look up as i knew who it was.

"Go away"I said with my voice cracking.

"No.Tell me what's wrong."He insisted and i sat up not even caring about how my face looked right now.I bet i looked awful.

"Like you don't know huh?Well just check twitter and then come talk to me"I said ,well tried,as the tears continued falling.

He looked at his hands that were resting on his lap and then back up at me.

"Baby it's not-"He started but i cut him off.

"Don't you tell me it's not what i think because i know it is.I saw the picture Niall.I fucking saw it.So save it and get the hell out of my fucking room."I shouted

"No,just let me explain."He said taking hold of my hand.I forced my hand away from his ignoring those stupid butterflies in my stomach.

"Niall.Just go.Please."I almost whispered and he looked at me sad.

"No,please-"He started again but i cut him off again.

"Just go."I yelled and he got up sighing as he walked out.

"I'm sorry"He said as he closed the door.


I've been avoiding him for three days now and by avoiding i mean locking myself in my room and crying myself to sleep.

I sat on the back yard on the grass as i looked at the stars.It was a beautiful night but i didn't really care.I felt like shit.And i felt almost...empty.

The boys tried to talk to me but i didn't listen.I didn't eat much those past days and i had lost almost 2 pounds.The boys were getting worried and by 'the boys' i mean Niall too.

I was watching TV alone since the lads were at some gig.I was watching a cheesy movie and somehow it made me cry so i didn't hear the door open and close.Someone sat beside me.

I didn't bother to look at the person till they came and turned the TV off.

"What the fuck?I was watching this."I exclaimed turning around.

"We need to talk."He said with a serious look on his face.



Helloooooo ! I hope you liked this chapter and please tell me what you think of it ! I'd really love some feedback.

And i also can't thank you enough.My story has reached 935 reads which is amazing.Thank You so much guys ! You make me so happy !




And i'll give you a cookie ! LOL

Bye love you xx !


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