Chapter 3

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Bella's Pov

The whole way through the night I was having fun but I was starting to lose balance in my legs because I had been on them too long and Elena saw this because as soon as she did she ran over to me and she said Bella are you ok and I said yeah I'm fine and I went to walk again only to almost fall off of my feet but before I could Stefan caught me.

So I looked at him and smiled and said thank you and he said your welcome and then Jeremy ran over and said Bella what's wrong and I said getting really annoyed that they keep bugging me every 15 minutes about my legs nothing nothing is wrong just leave me along and I went to walk away but Damon walked up to me and grabbed my arms and stopped me I tried to get out of his grip but I couldn't and so I just give in.

As I gave into him I slumped against his body and I looked at Elena almost crying as Elena said Bella sweetie you have been on your feet all day and you know what the doctors said you aren't aloud to walk about for any more than 10 hours a day and I said looking at her yeah well the doctors can go fuck themselves I'm at a party having fun and I'm going to continue having fun until I can't ok Elena I am not paralysed yet.

Then Elena said as she nodded to Damon to let me go I know little sis but the way your going it will be sooner rather than later and I said as Damon let me go yeah well I might as well have fun while I can and then I walked away from Elena, Jeremy, Stefan and Damon and I went back into the party room and started having fun with the friends I made and started dancing. 

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