Chapter 43

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Bella's Pov

When he said that I knew he meant something by it so I gulped and said what do you mean by that Dad and my Dad shouted so they would hear FELIX, DEMETRI GET OUT HERE and then next minute I saw my cousins who where uncle Marcus and aunt Didyme's kids and they looked at me and smiled but knew I was in trouble so stopped smiling and said yes uncle Aro and Dad said take Isabella to her room and do not let her leave until I give the word.

Then I gasped and said what no please Dad please don't I'll apologise I swear please don't do this and my Dad said no it's to late you will remain in your room until I say otherwise is that clear and I looked at my Mum and I said Mum please tell him I don't have time for this me and my family are in danger from Klaus and his siblings and when I said that I heard Mum gasp but she didn't say anything and I knew why.

So I came here to ask for help from aunt Ester and uncle Mikael I don't have time to waste or else they could be found please tell him but I knew my Mum wouldn't say anything it's against the rules to speak out of turn and then my Dad said sighed and said ok fine Carlisle and Esme will explain to us what has happened you on the other hand are going to your room.

Then he said you will not leave until I give the word do you understand me Isabella and I said groaned and knew I had no choice so I said yes Dad I understand and Dad said good and he looked at Felix and Demetri and said do not let her out this is her punishment whether it last for hour, days or months it's up to her got it and both my cousins said got it uncle Aro.

As soon as they said that the both of them walked over to me and took my arms and led me up to my room but not before I saw my Mum, Dad, Jane and Alec all walk into the thrown room to talk to Carlisle and Esme and when we got to my room Felix opened the door and they walked me inside and set me on the bed and Demetri said do not let it be months Bella please and they walked out of the room while trying not to laugh.

Then they both shut the door and I knew they were standing outside it but I didn't care and so I got off of the bed and I grabbed everything and anything I could find and I started throwing it about my room while shouting stuff like I FUCKING HATE HIM OR THEM AND I WANT TO GO HOME OR I KNEW IT WAS A BAD IDEA COMING HERE I KNEW THEY WOULDN'T LISTEN OR MY KIDS COULD BE FUCKING DEAD FOR ALL I KNOW BECAUSE I CAN'T FUCKING GET IN CONTACT WITH THEM BECAUSE THE ASS HAT TOOK MY FUCKING PHONE THE DICK.

So then after a while of that I finally wore myself out and I went over to the bed and I lied down on it and I lied for a moment just simply thinking about my life and how it has turned out and then I cried myself to sleep singing the song I sang to my kids when they were upset or wanted to be sang to sleep and thinking of my kids and Embry and when I'd see them again if I ever did.

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