Chapter 46

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Bella's Pov

As soon as I knew my Dad allowed my husband and kids to come here I said thank you to him again and again and I took the phone off hold and I said Embry, kids how would you like to come to Italy and my kids all screamed down the phone and I laughed and Embry said really and I said yeah really he said yes and Hope said Mum I can't wait to see you again and I said me either now go pack and take Clara and Chloe with you please.

Then Reece said you just want us out of the room don't you and I said yes I do I don't want you all to here me giving birth to your new brother or sister kids and all of them groaned and Embry said you'll see him or her when we get to Italy now go and I heard the kids all leave the room while I heard Clara and Chloe crying as they left.

So I said why they crying and Embry said they haven't stopped since you left and I said oh my poor babies make sure you tell them they will see me tomorrow when we get off of the phone ok and Embry said ok now you ready for this and I smiled and said yeah lets do this and then I gave the phone to my Dad who put it on speaker.

Then aunt Ester said you ready Bella and I said not really and Embry said come on sweetheart you can do this and I smiled and said let's do it and Embry said that's my girl and so I started pushing and pushing while listening to Embry's voice and finally I heard crying and so did Embry and aunt Ester said it's a boy Bella and both me and Embry started laughing as aunt Ester handed me my son.

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