Chapter 21

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Bella's Pov

Once I saw them get into the car I relaxed a bit knowing they were safe and I ran downstairs until I got to the living room and I saw Rebekah and Finn and they both looked at me and I said I'm sorry but I can't let him kill them and I ran past them as they called my name and I ran to the car.

Then when Reece saw me coming he opened the car and then I pulled the door open and I got inside and then I took the keys off of Reece and I started the car and I said ready everyone belted in and the kids all said yes Mum or Mummy and I smiled and said good lets go we don't have much time.

So then I drove away from what was my home and drove towards our new one and I kept driving until I got to Camille's bar and when I did I parked the car and I said ok stay here I need to do something first and then I got out of the car and I went into the bar and I walked over to Marcel.

When he saw me he said what you doing here and I said running away dick head and if you don't give me what I want I'll tell Klaus that he's not your sire but Finn is and Marcel sighed and said alright what and I smiled and said blood I want your blood in my system and he said now what on earth do you want that for.

Then I said because when my kids go to bed tonight I'm going to turn myself into a vampire its the only way to protect them from their father and Marcel said Klaus is going to kill me but fine it's your death and then he bit into his wrist and blood pored out and he said hurry up before it closes.

So I put my mouth to his wrist and I sucked the blood from it until Marcel pulled me away and he said ok we are even and I said yes we are and thanks again and then I ran out of the bar and went back to my car and I got into it and I saw that Amara, Hunter and Hope where all sleeping but Reece was keeping watch.

When I saw my kids seemed fine I started the car and I drove away and I said thanks son now get some sleep we are safe now and Reece said ok Mum and he lied down and fell to sleep after me minutes and so after a while I pulled my car over onto the side of the high way and I took a breath and I grabbed my neck and I counted to 3 and then I snapped my neck and after I heard the crack noise everything went black.

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