Chapter 39

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Bella's pov

As soon as I said that everyone in the room said ok we trust you Mum or we trust you Bella and one by one they came over to me and hugged me and said they would miss me but they would see me again and I told them all the same thing plus I love you and Embry was last and so he came over to me and he said I love you and I swear to look after Clara and Chloe.

So then I said thank you that's all I ask and I promise I will be back Em and Embry said I know and we kissed each others lips and I said call me everyday everyone ok and they all said ok Mum or ok Bella and then I walked over to Clara and Chloe and I first picked up Clara and I hugged her as tight as I could without hurting her and I said I love you and I will miss you so much.

Then I kissed her cheek and I gave her over to Reece and then I lifted up Chloe and I hugged her to and I said never forget how much I love you baby girl and I kissed her cheek to and I handed her to Embry and I said look after them and he smiled and said always and then I went over to the front door where Carlisle and Esme where and I said take care of each other and I started crying as my kids all said we will Mum.

As I walked out the door following Carlisle and Esme I heard Clara and Chloe start crying but I ignored them both with difficultly and I walked to the car and I got into it and Carlisle drove away from Jake's house away from my family, my life and my home and he drove to the airport and when we got there we got onto the plane and it took us to Italy where we got a car and started driving to the Volturi Castle where I would most likely meet my dome.

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