Chapter 44

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1 Month and 5 days later

Bella's Pov

It's been a month and 5 days since I came back home and I am still stuck in my stupid room because every time I am about to get out I get angry again and I spoil it and I am really cranky now because I was due 5 days ago and I haven't given birth as of yet and my Father still won't let me phone home he says if I behave he will let me but not until then.

So then about 3 weeks ago he sent Carlisle and Esme back to Forks saying that he would help us fight Klaus and his siblings and that I would be staying here until he allows me to go home and to tell my family that so they wouldn't come looking and I was so pissed off at him that I haven't talked to him or anyone since then and it's beginning to piss them all off because they know I am due so.

Here I am sitting in my room on my bed just staring at 4 walls doing nothing when I feel pain shoot through my stomach and I knew it was time but I wasn't going to give into them so I kept quiet and as I kept quiet the pain kept getting worse and worse but I still didn't scream I knew it was almost time to push once I got to my 10th contraction and the pain now felt like I was on fire and I wanted so badly to scream.

So I gave in and I screamed as loud as I could and when I did the door bust open and I saw Felix run into the room and he said what's wrong and I said through the pain gritting my teeth get my Mother and Felix said alright and I saw him look at Demetri and then I saw Demetri run off and I felt pain again and I screamed once more just as my Mum and Dad ran into the room.

Then my Mum came over to me and took my hand and as she did I screamed and Dad said Bella what do I do and I saw my aunt Ester walk into the room and she went to my bottom and said honestly Aro and my Dad said well I've never had to watch my daughter give birth Ester seriously and I said Dad shut up and phone Embry please.

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