Chapter 48

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Bella's Pov

As everyone left I looked at my other youngest son and said your name little one will be Riley Call do you like that and Riley smiled and I said oh you do don't you and so then I got off of the bed and I set both Caleb and Riley onto it and I said ok Mama is going for a shower can I trust you not to move and they both smiled and me and I said yeah right.

Then I shouted JANE, HEIDI COME HERE A SECOND PLEASE and next thing I saw was both of them standing beside Caleb and Riley and Heidi said yes Bella and I said I need you both to watch them while I get changed and Jane and Heidi both said sure Bella we would be happy to help you in any way we can  and Jane said especially when it comes to the little ones and I said ok thanks.

So when I knew both my youngest kids where safe I went into the bathroom and I got a shower which took an hour and when I got out of the shower I went to the toilet and then I got dressed which took 40 minutes then I did my hair and make up which took 20 minutes and after all that was done I went back into the bedroom.

When I got into the bedroom I saw that the kids and both Heidi and Jane where looking at something by the door so I walked out and I saw both Klaus and Elijah standing there and I gasped and ran over to my kids and took them off of Jane and Heidi and held them to me and I whispered to both of the vampire knowing their hearing is better than my type of vampire as I handed both sons back to my sister and cousin and said out the window.

Then they both looked at me shocked and I whispered and said go out the window get to Dad and the others and get my sons to safety and then phone Embry and the pack get them all here and find me as soon as you can I will leave some kind of trail and they both nodded their heads I took one last look at my sons and then both Jane and Heidi ran to the window and jumped out it before Klaus or Elijah could stop them with my sons in their arms and I heard them get to the thrown room.

As they got to the thrown room Klaus said that was stupid Bella and I said no it wasn't because I wasn't going to let more of my kids be beaten by you and your siblings not again because I will protect them no matter what you do and Elijah said we will see about that but right now we are here for you no one else and I said you can go to hell and Klaus said we have been and then I was hit with something and everything went black.

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