Chapter 24

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Bella's pov

Almost as soon as I knocked the door it opened and when it opened I saw Alice standing there and as she saw me she gasped and pulled me into a hug and said oh my god Bella it's so good to see you again how are you and I said I'm fine and don't act smart with me Alice and Alice frowned and said ok sorry so why you here and I said I'm here because I need help so can we come in.

Then Alice said we and I looked at the car and pointed and Alice said wow kids and I said yes kids now can we come in and then Emmett came to the door and said of course you can little sis you were once family and he pulled me into a hug and I laughed and said hugging him back thanks Em and I looked back at the car and I waved for my kids to come over.

As I waved my kids opened their car doors and got out of the car and shut the doors behind them and walked over to stand beside me and I said looking at Ali and Em guys these are my kids Amara, Hunter, Hope and Reece kids these are the family I lived with before I lived with Aunt Elena and Uncle Jeremy and Hunter said but Mummy we haven't meet them yet either.

Then I said I know son but I don't want to endanger them like I have done you 4 and Reece Mum you haven't endangered us we are your kids we would go anywhere with you and Hope said yeah Mum anywhere and I smiled and said thanks guys and then Alice said so would you guys like to come in and my kids except Amara all said yes and they ran into the house screaming.

So I shouted STOP SCREAMING and they all stopped and Alice said whoa you are good at parenting and I said yeah I know and I went to follow Ali and Em inside but I was pulled back by Amara pulling on my arm and so I stopped and I looked down and I saw she looked scared and so I bent down to her and I said baby girl what's wrong.

Then she said I don't like it here and I said I know sweetie but it's only for a wee while and I pulled her into a hug and as I did she started crying and I said Amara what's wrong sweetie and I stood up and lifted her into my arms and I hugged her to me and she said I want to go now through her tiers and I said trying to calm her down I know I know.

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