Chapter 40

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Bella's Pov

I was sitting in the back of the car rubbing my stomach as my baby was going crazy this morning and it must be because it knows that we are away from it's siblings and it's father and I was thinking about what was going to happen when I get to the castle when Carlisle said Bella sweetie everything will be fine and I said oh yeah how will it be fine I am driving towards death or imprisonment.

Then Esme said don't be silly Bella  you know they wouldn't do that and I said oh no just you wait they haven't seen me in ages and now all of a sudden I go back I am in for it and there is nothing you can do and Carlisle said Bella honey everything will be ok stop worrying and  I said I can't help it they are my real Mum and Dad Carlisle do you think they are just going to let me leave after last time.

As I said that Esme said Bella trust me just tell them why you didn't want to go back when they ask and it will be fine as long as they don't find out out Amara, Hunter, Hope, Reece, Clara and Chloe you should be fine and as soon as she said them names I started hyperventilating and Carlisle said Bella breathe everything will be fine just remember we are here on business not pleasure ok.

Then I calmed down and said yeah your right yeah ok let's do this and Carlisle said good because we are here and he parked the car into a car park space and I said as we all got out of the car after he turned it off I'm dead we are dead and Esme said no we aren't not yet so stay calm ok and I smiled and said ok Mum and then we all walked towards the castle grounds where the tower clock was.

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